10 - This Is Why We Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 10
Word Count: 3284

Miracle sat in Alaric's office with him, Lizzie, and Josie. Lizzie was holding up the Sandclock as the three girls all took it in turns to try and stop it exploding due to the black magic inside it. As Lizzie held the artifact up in front of Miracle, the tribrid raised her hand and muttered a spell under her breath which caused the dark magic in the Sandclock to freeze in place. They all waited, holding their breaths, before they all exhaled in frustration when the black magic simply broke through the ice.

"Okay, that's enough." Alaric gave in after their twelfth try, fearing that none of that was even helping in the first place. "We're trying to stop it from exploding, not speed up the process. We have tried twelve different spells. This is... not a problem that magic can fix."

"Well, it's better than your solution of covering it in concrete and dropping it in the ocean." Lizzie scoffed, placing the Sandclock on Alaric's desk and crossing her arms.

"Maybe I deserve the black magic to just boomerang back to me." Josie frowned, taking a seat in Alaric's chair.

"Just cut yourself some slack, okay? You made a mistake." Miracle informed her ex-girlfriend softly, placing a hand on Josie's shoulder, which then caused Lizzie to roll her eyes at the two.

"Wait!" Lizzie suddenly got an idea. "What if we try dad's idea, but better? Instead of dropping the discount lava lamp in the ocean, we drop it in a place where magic can't escape."

"The prison world?" Miracle realised, her eyebrows shooting up once she'd figured it out.

"Absolutely not." Alaric immediately shook his head.

"No, this is perfect!" Lizzie grinned widely at her brilliant idea. "There's a celestial event tonight: a meteor shower, and that is what we need to make the ascendant work, right?"

"Yeah, that, and Bennett blood." Josie added, standing up once again.

"No, I said no! I will figure this out, okay? Don't do anything while I'm gone." Alaric intervened, trying to stop the plan before it started, and he then walked out of his office, leaving the three girls.

"It's bad enough that you have been completely avoiding me, Mira, but now dad's acting like an annoying control freak." Lizzie huffed, annoyed.

"Hey! I haven't been avoiding you! I've just been..." Miracle hesitated, causing Lizzie to send her a look. "Okay, fine, I've totally been avoiding you. But look, we'll talk later, okay? What are we going to do about Alaric and his need to protect everyone he meets?"

"He's not gonna let us anywhere near that prison world with our psychotic Uncle Kai." Josie reminded.

"Wait, you mean the guy who was literally infatuated with aunt Ana and kidnapped her to try and force her to love him?" Miracle called, remembering the time her godmother had told her the intriguing story, and the Saltzman twins nodded. "Wow. That dude was really obsessed with her. Anyway, back on topic..."

"What if we send it to a different prison world?" Lizzie suggested with an eager smile. "Make a new ascendant and a new prison world with no homicidal uncles."

"It's gonna take a lot of magic..." Josie whispered.

"We did it when we were five! And besides, if we siphon from Miracle, a bloody tribrid, we'd have more than enough power!" Lizzie exclaimed, causing Miracle to smile with self-pride.


Miracle was sat on Alaric's desk chair, watching Josie pace back and forth, and both of them had their back facing the door. Once the two of them heard the door open and close, they immediately assumed that it was just Lizzie returning from Coven Day.

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