1 - We're Listening Now

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 1
Word Count: 5651

It was a few days of normality later when Alaric had called an assembly, beginning another one of his famous speeches once again.

"I know we've been through a lot in the last few days. Well, months, really. Okay, uh, it's been a rough couple years, to be honest. And I wish I could say the worst was over. But no matter what comes next, I firmly believe that we will be able to get through it if we stand united as a school, a community--"

But, interrupting the speech, Alyssa rudely cleared her throat, rising to her feet and everyone turned to face her.

"Sorry, just for clarification, does 'our community' include your daughter, who murdered me and held the entire school hostage to stage a grotesque display of black magic power?"

"Josie is back to normal, and safe." Alaric reassured in a calm and collected tone.

"What about Landon?" Wade suddenly stood up, raising his hand. Apparently, the Necromancer had pretty much possessed Rafael to stab Landon with the golden arrow a few days ago and he still hadn't woken up, leaving everyone to worry if he ever would.

"Getting Landon back is my top priority, and I won't stop until I do. And that would go for any one of you." Alaric informed, causing both Alyssa and Wade to sit back down. That was until Kaleb stood up.

"Okay, so, what are we supposed to do now? And why are we all wearing gym clothes?"

"Something you haven't had a chance to do in far too long: be kids." Alaric responded. "I want you to remember what it's like to not have to worry about something you shouldn't have to and grow closer together in the process."

"Um, excuse me." Miracle then raised her hand. "You say 'be kids', but many of us aren't kids anymore, Dr Saltzman. We honestly don't have the time and energy to just run around and pretend that everything is okay anymore. We've grown up."

It was true. Lizzie and Josie were 18, Kaleb and MG were forever stuck at the age of 17, Rafael and Landon were both almost 20 at that point and in their last months of being 19 (still stuck at the school until they finished their education and were let out into the real world), and Hope and Miracle had both just celebrated their 19th birthday only yesterday.

"That may be true, but while you live under my supervision in my school, and until your education is completed and I know you're all ready to leave this place, then each and every one of you are still my kids." Alaric announced. "Back to what I was saying... MG, if you will..."

MG then stood up, smiling brightly at the bored and tired crowd.

"As president of the Student Activities Committee, I'd like to welcome you all to the first ever Salvatore School Field Day! The buses are waiting for you outside. Don't forget to bring your smiles!"

"Again, we're not kids anymore, dude!" Miracle rolled her eyes, causing both Lizzie and Josie to stifle giggles from either side of her (which had originally made Miracle feel really awkward, especially since Josie still hadn't found out about her and Lizzie yet).

As everyone exited the hall, Miracle walked with the Saltzman twins (since Hope had not left Landon's side since he 'died' and probably never would until he woke up), and she was complaining the whole time. Miracle spotted Alaric exiting the hall and she turned towards Josie.

"Um, me and Liz need to ask Dr Saltzman something about the field day but we'll catch up to you later, okay?"

"Oh, um, okay." Josie nodded. Miracle grabbed Lizzie's hand gently and began walking away with her towards Alaric. Josie eyed their joined hands suspiciously before brushing it off and walking away.

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