4 - You Continue to Amaze Me

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 4
Word Count: 4978

"Miracle Marshall to the principal's office." Alaric's phone rang through the P.A. as Miracle walked through the school's halls. She sighed and spun around, walking in the opposite direction towards Alaric's office. She entered without knocking.

"P.A. system? It's a little dramatic, don't you think?"

"Not as dramatic as the message Landon left me, saying he had something urgent to discuss." Alaric replied. "Anything you want to share?"

"Only that I'm pretty sure the monsters are after him this time." Miracle told as she sat down at Alaric's desk.

"And you didn't think that that's something I should know?" Alaric frowned.

"More like I was afraid of what you were gonna say after that." Miracle shot back in a nonchalant tone.

"Miracle..." Alaric sighed. "You need to go back to the Salvatore School. Not for your sake... for theirs. Maybe Landon isn't that important to you, but if Malivore wants him, we need to want him more."

"Look, I will take care of it, but from a distance." Miracle reassured, leaning back against her seat as she crossed her arms, a sigh slipping past her lips.

"Okay, what am I missing here, Miracle? Hmm?" Alaric questioned, his brows furrowing. "You told me the truth, and everything worked out fine."

"Not the whole truth..." Miracle went serious, her lips curving down into a frown. "Landon was in love with my sister... he was in love with Hope. But now, since I made the stupid decision to ruin everything by diving into the pit like some hero... everything changed. Hope doesn't even know she was ever in love with Landon! And now, Landon has moved on... with the love of my life."

"Love of your life?" Alaric's eyes widened when he remembered who Landon was with. "My daughter. You and Josie?"

"Josie and I... we were in love. Like, real love. Epic love, if that even exists." Miracle smiled as she thought about Josette Ariana Saltzman... in all her radiant beauty.

"I can assure you it does." Alaric muttered after getting over the shock about Miracle and his daughter.

"Now she's with Landon... and they don't know what we were to each other." Miracle sighed sadly. "And I'm just afraid that if I tell them, he's gonna hate me forever, or... she's gonna hate me, or I'm gonna hate myself because I made us all miserable! So, I can't tell them... not yet!"

And then, there was a knock on the door. Sheriff Mac peaked in.

"Sorry to interrupt."

"No, it's okay. I was just leaving." Miracle replied kindly, before turning back to Alaric. "I will see you at the pep rally."

"See you there." Alaric nodded. Miracle headed towards the door but Alaric called after her. "I hope you consider the transfer! I can put in a good word for you at the Salvatore School."

Miracle rolled her eyes and chose to ignore him, walking out of the office.


Rafael was hurrying through the hallways of Mystic Falls High, jumping at every noise and panting heavily, when he suddenly ran tight into Dennis (the missing kid) who glared at the werewolf angrily.

"Watch yourself, bro."

"Go fail chemistry." Landon rolled his eyes, walking over to them. Dennis glared at him before walking off. Landon turned towards Rafael as the school bell rang. "Hey... I shouldn't have asked you to come with me. We can go." Slowly, Rafael turned around to look at Landon. "Raf?" A feeling of dread filled Landon's chest. "Raf!"

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