2 - This is Your Father

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 2
Word Count: 5442

I know that I have messed up the ages of Ariana's kids BIG TIME during the start of this book and the end of the last book, so I'm just going to clarify quickly what I've decided to age them! And btw, she has three daughters and one son!
• Rose Jenna Salvatore - Oldest - 13
• Eleanor Lillian Salvatore - Second - 9
• Sarah Caroline Salvatore - Third - 6
• Johnathon Grayson Salvatore - Youngest - 2

Miracle's POV

No legacy is so rich as honesty. When Shakespeare wrote that, he obviously didn't know what I know about teenage boys. I mean, I know there are guys with integrity who lead with truth, I've just never met any of them.


No one's POV

Family therapy was taking place. Not like they needed it... the twins were as close as twins could get. But family therapy wasn't based off of their relationship with eachother, but of their relationship with the rest of their family, dead and alive. But during that session... it wasn't about family at all. No, it was about a whole different type of relationship.

Ariana Salvatore, seated in an armchair, looked at Hope and Miracle sitting across from her, with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. 

"I see you have decided to double down on your nihilism this morning, Miracle."

"I'm trying to be rich with honesty." Miracle simply shrugged. Ariana sighed and looked between both girls.

"Start from the beginning."

"Of my short-lived but horrific romances with liars?" Hope snapped, sensitive to the the conversation of Landon. Ariana gave her a knowing look.

"Of your guys' decision to perform black magic on school grounds last night."

"Maybe we could table this until I catch the guy we were trying to find by using black magic?" Hope sighed. "Because the longer that Landon Kirby is out there, the greater the chance he tells people about this school and the kind of people we have hidden behind the gates."

"She has a point, Mrs S." Miracle added. "We should be trying to find Landon to figure out why the hell he couldn't be compelled."

"You know there's a beacon that alerts me when someone's using. You knew you would be caught." Ariana mentioned.

"After we found Landon! But we lost the trail, and now we're being interrogated." Hope's tone of voice became sarcastic as a result of her frustration. "But go ahead. Take your time. Nothing at stake here."

"Did anyone help you with the spell, other than Miracle?" Ariana asked Hope, who glanced at Miracle. The older twin gave Hope a harsh look, demanding that she was not to bring her girlfriend into it.

"No." Hope eventually muttered.

"Can we go now?" Miracle added.

"Girls... you're students. This isn't your fight." Ariana whispered softly, absentmindedly playing with the rings on her ring finger.

"It's absolutely our fight, Mrs S! Landon was inside the walls of this school because of us! He had access to the knife he stole because of me! We're at risk of exposure because of us! And you can tell us that we're sublimating a lifetime of survivor's remorse, or whatever it says in our files here, but we're gonna help Dr Saltzman find him!" Hope explained. "We're leaving, Mira." As the two got up to leave, Ariana's next words made them halt.

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