Ending summary (sorry!!!)

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I know that many of you enjoyed reading and commenting your opinions and love on this story, and many of you have enjoyed reading the other two prequel additions before this one (Gilbert Twins and Marshall Twins) but after 17 months of writing the Twins series, I've got to this one and all of my motivation has vanished. Sooo... I am ending this book here. Weirdly enough, I have already COMPLETED the last addition to the series before this one, so that one will be published tonight, completed. It will be called 'Always', and it is about Alyssa-Rose Williams, a famous actress who plays Ariana Gilbert and falls in love with her on-screen lover, Ian Somerhalder, while also dating some other celebs along the way, so LOOK OUT FOR THAT ONE! ❤️

As a really genuine apology ('cause I myself do hate discontinued stories and I'm being a hypocrite), I will list what would have happened if I'd continued this story until the very end, including scenes that I'd already written out for the future but obviously never got to publish.

Here ya go, lovelies! ❤️❤️


• On chapter 13 of season 3, Josie and Miracle would've had an argument where Josie confesses her jealousy over Miracle and Lizzie, similar to the 'do you think it's easy for me to see you with somebody else?' argument with Ross and Rachel in Friends, you know?

• On chapter 1 of season 4, Miracle and Lizzie break up because Miracle is still in love with Josie, but they stay best friends.
"A person could not ask for a better partner, a better conscience, a better... best friend. You are literally the best person that's ever had the poor judgment to hang out with me, the tribrid freak... the cosmic mistake. But, despite knowing my past and my present, you befriended me anyway, and you have stuck by my side ever since." Miracle's chocolate orbs began to well up with salty tears. "I love the way you laugh... and the way the blue in your eyes seems to brighten whenever you hear my name, which is incredibly flattering, by the way. The way your face looks when you listen to Taylor Swift songs, and--"

"You're in love with Josie." Lizzie interrupted, getting to the point. She knew where the conversation was heading the second Miracle stepped into the room, and by the way Miracle let out a sigh and ducked her head, Lizzie knew... she knew it was the end of her and Miracle.

"But that doesn't mean I regret a single second." Miracle was quick to explain. "Because you are beautiful... and special, and... perfect." By that point, both of them had damp cheeks from the tears that they had openly let fall. "And doing the right thing should never be this hard. I love you so much, Liz."

"I love you, too, Mira..."

But both held different meanings...
End of scene

• Miracle went to tell Josie how she felt and about her and Lizzie breaking up, just to find her already with Finch, leaving Miracle hurt and painfully single.

• Hope and Miracle both activate their vampire sides, but only Hope turns off her humanity, and not even Miracle can turn it back on.

• It isn't until chapter 8 of season 4 where Josie tells Miracle that her and Finch broke up, and Miracle had never told Josie that she and Lizzie had broken up a while ago, so it was a shock to Josie when she confessed now that they were both single.
"I-I'm so sorry it took me so long to realise what's right in front of me, and I wasted time saying a stupid goodbye and I've already hurt you and I know it's too late to--"

"What are you talking about?" Josie interrupted Miracle's rambling, desperate to just get to the point.

"I love you! It's always been you..." Miracle burst out, causing Josie's eyes to widen.

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