16 - There's Always a Loophole

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 16
Word Count: 5196

Miracle walked downstairs to the great room with a duffle, Rafael by her side. She noticed how silent Rafael was, glancing at him in concern.

"Hey, you okay?"

Rafael turned around to face her, a troubled expression on his face.

"Uhm, my mind still won't settle down... look, I'm sorry, but I can't join the fight."

"Don't worry, I'm not going alone." Miracle reassured. And, as if on cue, a few students rounded the corner, those students being Kaleb, Josie, and Jed. "My squad answered the Bat-Signal."

Lizzie then walked over at the same time with a smile on her faces. The smile faded and Lizzie ended up glaring at her sister; the pair still hadn't ended their dispute.

"She's coming?" The twins asked simultaneously.

"I need all the help I can get, so please put your twin war on pause." Miracle pleaded with her girlfriend and her best friend.

"Why is he going?" Rafael questioned, gesturing towards Jed, who had beaten Landon the last time they were near each other and Raf didn't want him anywhere near his brother again. "He hates Landon."

"Look, you're the Alpha. If Landon's your pack, that makes him ours." Jed sighed.

"Where is MG at?" Kaleb wondered, glancing around as if he was expecting MG to round the corner at any given moment. 

"He's on his way." Miracle informed. "Let's load up while we wait for him. Come on."

The group of students walked outside to get to one of the cars that belonged to the teachers. Their eyes set on a group of men standing outside the Salvatore School with guns and shields and padded head to toe.  One of the men stepped forward.

"Oh, sorry. We were about to knock."

"Who the hell are you?" Lizzie demanded impatiently, cocking a brow.

"Name's Burr." The man answered. "Triad Industries."

Miracle looked over her shoulder at her friends before she took a step closer, extending her hands as she felt the familiar buzz of magic radiating through her.

"Propellere!" She recited, but nothing happened, causing Miracle to frown in confusion.

"I got this." Kaleb announced bravely, dropping his bag to the ground and getting ready for a fight. He took a step forward, but the second that he entered the sun, his skin started to sizzle and burn, making him cry out in pain and stagger back into the shade beside his friends.

"What you don't got is magic, which is why your daylight ring won't work." Burr chuckled in amusement. "And what we have are stakes, wolfsbane and other things. So, I think you should invite us inside."

The group of students looked back at each other, all scared for the school.


The men from Triad had entered the school and gathered everyone in the grand hall. Burr stood at the top of the stairs, addressing the students.

"We're looking for an artifact known as the Chalice of Arimathea." As Burr spoke those words, a few of the men walked around the room, handing out printed photos of the chalice to the students so that they knew what it looked like in case they'd seen it. "We have reason to believe it's part of your school's collection. Now, you know this place a lot better than we do, so the sooner you help us find it, the sooner we'll be gone. Triad thanks you for your time."

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