8 - Hop In, Hobbit

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 8
Word Count: 2806

A/N: I'm so sorry for the week-long wait but I have been super busy! I just moved house, and I have my prom in four days, and things have just been super stressful. I'll try and get my writing schedule back on track asap!
Now, enjoy ❤️
-L xx


Miracle walked down towards the werewolf cellars where Clarke was being held until they decided to throw him into the pit. But before she could descend the staircase to the cellars, Lizzie rushed up to the tribrid.

"Mira! So glad I found you! Um, I really need to talk to you. I'm ready to say it!" Lizzie smiled brightly as if she'd just made a huge accomplishment.

"Hey, Liz. Say what?" Miracle asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. Lizzie drew in a shaky breath, prepared to make the big confession she'd waited so long to express.

"You see... I really--"

"Mira!" Hope suddenly approached her sister, smiling, before she finally noticed Lizzie. "Oh, hey, Lizzie."

"Hey..." Lizzie grumbled, looking annoyed at the interruption. Hope turned back to Miracle.

"I'm on my way to visit Clarke."

"Me too. Come on, let's address this bastard." Miracle replied, heading towards the staircase again.

"But Mira, this is important." Lizzie pleaded, slight desperation in her eyes as she reached for Miracle's hand. She'd just gained the courage to finally confess what was on her mind to Miracle, so she was worried that if she didn't confess now, she never would.

"I'm sorry, Liz, but so is this. We'll talk later, I promise." Miracle reassured before quickly escaping Lizzie's grasp and heading down to the cellars with Hope following behind. Lizzie stared after them with sadness and disappointment.

(A/N: Has Lizzie finally realised that she can no longer trick herself into believing she is straight? You're far from it, Lizzie, honey. And how can Miracle be so oblivious to it? Did Hope purposefully interrupt their conversation? Does she have something against Lizzie's confusing feelings towards Miracle? What team do you think Hope is on? Team #josicle or team #mizzie? What team are you on?)

Miracle and Hope finally reached Clarke's, and hearing them, Clarke turned towards the twin tribrids.

"Ah, yes. We did a spell to alter your appearance. Turn you into the most vile thing I could imagine." Miracle smirked mockingly, fiddling with Clarke's illusion ring in her hand.

"I just look like me." Clarke pointed out.

"Then I nailed it." Miracle laughed. Hope couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle, too.

"Huh. I thought you'd rather stare at Josie's sad little face." Clarke shot back. Miracle's smirk dropped and she sent him an annoyed glare, causing Clarke to raise his hands in surrender. "Sorry. To be honest, I'm glad the two of you are here."

"You clearly hate us, so I can't imagine why." Hope chimed in.

"Because there's still time for you guys to come to your senses before you toss me into the pit!" Clarke exclaimed, looking slightly desperate and panicked.

"One, it's more of a ditch." Miracle corrected with a bored expression, still fiddling with the illusion ring. "Two, I'm really looking forward to it. What about you, Hope?"

"Oh, definitely." Hope nodded with an entertained smile.

"And three..." Miracle continued, walking closer to the bars of the cellar. "You're trapped inside a magically created body that expires at midnight." Clarke opened his mouth to snap back, but Miracle didn't give him the time. "Save your breath."

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