5 - Screw Endgame

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 5
Word Count: 3438

Miracle knelt in front of the tree that Lizzie was previously tied to, overthinking way too many things about the mess that she was in. She couldn't sleep until she figured out how to defeat Malivore and stop the monsters from coming...

But as she was thinking, she was unaware of the familiar blondie approaching her from behind.

"Miracle Harper Mikaelson!"

Miracle span around in shock, only to see Lizzie stood there. The tribrid was so confused, wide-eyed and in shock.


"It's official. I remember everything." Lizzie told. "When I woke up from that spell Josie blasted me with, you popped into my messed-up brain like an acid flashback."

"How?" Miracle scoffed, still in shock. "Liz, you are literally the only person on the planet, other than Hope, who knows that I exist!" She rushed forward and hugged Lizzie tightly, causing the Saltzman witch to chuckle and hug her back, glad to have her best friend back in her life.

"As much as I'm loving to be able to hug you again, Mira, we have bigger drama." Lizzie pulled away from the hug after a long moment. "Josie and Landon are having sex tonight!"

"What...?" Miracle's smile immediately fell as the pain and hurt in her eyes was definitely evident to her blonde bestie.

"There's a Decade Dance. She asked me to find an excuse to stay with my dad." Lizzie informed, glancing at Miracle with sympathy. "You have to stop it, Mira! Speak your truth. Spill your beans. Tell your tale."

"Why didn't you tell her?" Miracle wondered. She was worried that if she was the one to tell Josie who she really was, then Josie would probably not believe her and hate her for lying about such a thing.

"Because I didn't wanna be the one to break her heart." Lizzie shrugged.

"So, I have to? Thanks, Liz! World's greatest friend right here, everyone." Miracle trailed off sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.

"Ugh. Not a good time!" Lizzie exclaimed, looking at something over Miracle's shoulder. Miracle turned around and saw Lizzie staring at the Malivore portal that lay near the tree. It was smoking and bubbling more than it usually was.

And suddenly, a woman came popping out of the portal, coughing up the smoke and dusting herself off. She looked around.

"Who the hell are you?" Miracle demanded tiredly. She didn't want to have to deal with another monster so soon... especially when she had major girl problems to be dealing with.

"I'm the Keeper." The woman chuckled. "And this is gonna be a lot easier than I thought." She held up her golden bracelet, smirking at Miracle and Lizzie. "Welcome to the game."

Her bracelet suddenly glowed, and moments later, 'the Keeper' disappeared. The tribrid and the siphoner looked around in confusion.

"Well, that was... anticlimactic." Lizzie commented.

"We have to get to the school to protect Landon, no matter how much he's found new ways of annoying me lately." Miracle mentioned, beginning to walk away, with Lizzie following close behind.

"More like to protect Josie from Landon." Lizzie corrected, and Miracle was half-tempted to agree with her. "By warning her she's about to have sex with a human-sized Muppet."

But as soon as the girls stepped onto the road in the Town Square on their way back to the school, a car swerved out of nowhere. The girls froze in shock, having no time to do anything before the car drove right into them.

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