1 - You're Back

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 1
Word Count: 2243

Darkness enveloped Miracle like a blanket. It was so quiet, and a nervous chill ran down her spine. The loneliness that surrounded her was truly awful.

She felt as if she'd been walking for years, trying to find someone, anyone, until...

"Hello?" Miracle's eyes darted side to side in a frantic motion. Nothing. Her fear of loneliness overwhelmed her as she looked around the empty place. "Post tenebras spero lucem." A glowing light appeared in the tribrid's hand.

But as Miracle continued to look around, a sudden bright light shone behind her. She turned around and a large gust of wind flew towards her. Panicking, Miracle span around and prepared to run away, but she tripped. As the wind began dragging her across the ground towards it, Miracle tried to grab onto something. Anything! But there was nothing.

That was until, just as the wind started to sweep the tribrid up, a hand latched itself around Miracle's wrist and pulled her back onto the ground. The wind then disappeared. Miracle panted shakily as she lay on the ground, wide-eyed.

"Fancy meeting you here."

Miracle looked up at the person who had saved her. It was Clarke!

"What the hell are you doing here?" Miracle snapped, scrambling to her feet hurriedly.

"Saving your life, obviously." Clarke chuckled, but Miracle simply let out a scoff.

"No! I'm supposed to be in... in peace. Okay, you are not peace. In fact, you're the opposite of peace! "So, where are we?"

"Come on. Do the math." Clarke rolled his eyes.

"It's not that simple, okay? There are freaky cyclones and blinding lights... and you're here!" But then, Miracle let out a gasp. "Oh, my God... we're in hell!"

"No such thing. I think." Clarke told. "Go on. Take your best guess."

"No." Miracle glared at Clarke with hatred, beginning to walk away.

"Why not?" Clarke called after her.

"Because I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction of telling me that I failed." Miracle frowned, continuing to walk away, but Clarke followed her.

"You mean you don't want to hear you're in the Blackness? That you've been consumed by Malivore?"


"You don't want me to point out that all your romantic heroics were for nada? That the big bad lives to see another day and all your friends have forgotten you ever existed?"

"Stop talking!"

"If I were you, I'd make peace with that." Clarke sighed. Miracle angrily shoved past him. "Miracle! Wait! I can help you." So, Miracle finally turned back around to face Clarke.

"I don't see how."

"I spent years inside this place, and while you cannonballing into the belly of Malivore didn't seem to destroy him, it has changed things, so stop being a dick to me and maybe I'll elaborate." Clarke stated. Miracle thought about it.

"Okay. I'm partially listening."

"Every creature consumed by my father used to exist here in total isolation, but here we are, talking to each other. Your presence here has somehow opened the cell doors. If it can do that, maybe there's a way for us to escape." Clarke held his hand out. "So what do you say? Partners?"

"Pass." Miracle shrugged, still glaring up at Clarke.

"You are such a child! No wonder you failed." Clarke called after her.

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