11 - I'll Take My Chances

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 11
Word Count: 1933

After discovering that Alyssa had sent Lizzie, Josie, and Alaric all to a prison world — the very same prison world that Kai was in — the Mikaelson twins took pleasure in locking her up in a cell in the school's basement. They were questioning her, but Alyssa didn't seem to want to answer any of their questions.

"Enough with the illusion spells, Alyssa. Tell us where the ascendant is." Miracle demanded, now starting to get very annoyed with the locked up witch. But again, Alyssa did not answer. Confused, Miracle turned to Hope. "Why isn't my truth spell working?"

"I-I don't know." Hope stammered, also confused, but before she could raise her hand to cast a truth spell of her own, Alyssa finally spoke up in a surprisingly cheerful tone, her back to them.

"Hmm, I guess that anti-charm potion I took is working."

"It is. Too bad... you could use a little charm." Miracle mocked, causing Alyssa to turn around and throw an offended glare in her direction.

"Enough with the games, Alyssa." Hope let out a frustrated huff. "Help us bring the Saltzmans back."

"Why? So you two can be the heroes and save the day?" Alyssa questioned, followed by a quiet scoff. "This isn't about either of you. Though, if I knew how annoying you'd be, I would have sent both of you away, too."

"How's this? You tell us where the real ascendant is, and I won't pluck your eyelash extensions out one by one." Miracle threatened angrily, but still kept her composure on the outside.

"Sorry, but I don't negotiate with basic witches. So, I'm never telling you where the ascendant is." Alyssa shrugged, only increasing the anger and frustration of both of the Mikaelson twins.


Another monster had shown himself. Although, he wasn't really a monster, he was literally cupid! Only around to spread love. From his charming smile, witty personality, and — in Miracle's opinion — really good looks, she was practically begging Hope to let her keep him. But Hope was determined to keep cupid in a barrier spell in the gym until they figured out what to do with him. Until then, they'd borrowed one of cupid's arrows in hopes of it being able to melt Alyssa's cold heart.

As the twins returned to Alyssa, the cupid arrow tightly in Hope's hand, the two entered the cell and Alyssa turned towards them with slight surprise.

"Don't tell me you've had a change of heart."

"No, but you're about to." Miracle smirked, loving what was about to happen. "Go for it, Hope."

So, hearing that, Hope jammed the cupid arrow into Alyssa's stomach, ignoring the girl's panicked protests. As Hope ripped the arrow back out of Alyssa's stomach, the twins exchanged a cautious look as they waited to see what would happen next.

But what confused the twins... was that Alyssa started laughing, a big smile on her face.

"Can I tell you girls a secret?" And the twins nodded. "I have a crush."

"On who?" Hope asked.



After finding out Alyssa's surprising crush, Miracle had rushed off to find MG so the two could form a plan together about what to do, whereas Hope had gone to find Kym so that the two could conduct research on Cupid.

Miracle and MG's plan began to take place, starting with setting up a date with him and Alyssa so that he could use the charm he had over her to get to give him the ascendant. Miracle went out to buy Alyssa a hot bikini since it was a pool date. And then, she let MG handle her from then on and let the two go on their date in peace while she went to help Hope and Kym with the research.

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