2 - Girl Problems, I Guess

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 2
Word Count: 4423

A/N: Apologies for the wait, my loves! It's been a tiring week of exams!
- L xx


Miracle and Hope rushed through the woods on the search for the monster that Hope had apparently seen by a bus stop the night before.

"Wait." Miracle said. "Look." She pointed at a log nearby. The twins peered closer and noticed that purple goo coated part of the log. Hope leant closer to it and Miracle gave her a weird look. "Did you just smell it? Gross!"

"What? It smelt foul! I wanted to know what it was!" Hope defended herself. Miracle chuckled before the twins kept walking, continuing their search.

They ended up wandering out of the woods... right in front of Mystic Falls High!

"Ugh. This place." Miracle rolled her eyes. "Why would a monster hide in a high school?"

"I don't know. But I guess we're gonna find out." Hope grabbed Miracle's hand and dragged her over to the school. They entered the quiet place... Miracle wondered why they couldn't see anyone considering it was the first day back at school. She didn't think too much of it, though, as she and Hope noticed drops of goo every now and then on the floor, like the monster was leaking as he walked.

They followed the drops of goo to a door which led to the basement, but it was locked. Miracle grabbed Hope's hand, fueling their magic, and they muttered a spell together.

"Diserra Portus."

The door swung open with a bang. Miracle frowned as she heard voices down the hall...

"Aren't you two a little short for janitors?" A voice asked, making both Miracle and Hope jump. They both turned to see a boy stood there, looking around their age. The boy sent them a chilled smirk. "It's nice to know I'm not the only one trying to hide out on the first day of school."

"Oh, no. We... we weren't hiding." Miracle replied. "W-we were, um... uh, we were looking for the principal's office."

"Well, you girls are in luck." The boy smiled. "I'm new, too, but I'm pretty sure that's him right behind you."

Hope and Miracle both turned to see someone who shocked them so much.

"Hi." The principal greeted them, but it wasn't just any principal... it was Alaric. "I'm Principal Saltzman." He turned towards Hope. "Hope. What are you doing here?"

"Just... with my friend here." Hope lied, gesturing to Miracle. Alaric turned to her.

"Who are you?"



Miracle sat in Alaric's new office at the 'muggle school'. Alaric had pretty much demanded that Hope should leave Miracle for him to talk to personally while she should return to the Salvatore school. Just hearing Alaric say that to Hope really made Miracle miss the school...

So, Hope had returned to the school of the supernatural while Miracle sat in Alaric's office and watched as he read over Miracle's forms before addressing her.

"You are a blank slate, Miss Miracle Marshall. Parents Tom and Kathleen. No transcripts from your last school."

"I think they must've just gotten packed away or something." Miracle responded. "Like I said, we move around a lot."

"Mm-hmm." It was obvious that Alaric did not believe her one bit. "Well, if you are gonna be here in Mystic Falls, you have to go to school."

"Well, then I guess it's a good thing I'm here, right?" Miracle shrugged, just as the school bell rang. "Can I go now?"

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