8 - I Was More of a DC Kid

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 8
Word Count: 4556

Miracle's POV

There's something I need to tell you. I just don't know how. So, to make you understand, maybe I should start at the end. On second thought, I'll just start at the beginning.

I didn't know it yet but Landon was in Kansas looking for his mom. He had no idea what he was walking into. None of us did.

We used Landon's bracelet to do a locator spell, but all it located was more trouble. It seemed like the whole world was chasing Landon, but only one person was actually with him.


Fort Valley, Georgia

No one's POV

Miracle woke up on a field. She stood up, the bright light of the sun shining directly into her eyes. The girl looked around to find Hope, Alaric, and even Landon, all laying on the field. In the middle of nowhere. The others quickly woke up and looked around in confusion. 

"Where the hell are we?" Landon stood up.
"What happened?"

"I don't know." Alaric replied. "But I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."


Three days ago

Mystic Falls

It was 3 am. All of the students were asleep, except for the two night owls: Hope and Miracle Mikaelson. The girls were sneaking around the school, on their way to the headmaster's office.

They entered Alaric's office.

"Stay here and keep an eye out for Ric..." Hope instructed her twin, entering the office and beginning to search for the keys to Alaric's car while Miracle stood guard outside.

Soon after, the doors to the office opened and Hope stepped out.

"I got them, let's go..."

The Mikaelsons made their way to the school entrance and were just about to walk out when they heard the voice of their headmaster.

"Going somewhere?" The girls turned around to face Ric as he approached them. "Better questions, where the hell do you think you're going with my keys and without telling me?"

"Um, you know, I just said some really harsh things to you yesterday and so I just wanted to get you an oil change as a peace offering." Miracle lied. "Hope here offered to help me."

"At 3 am?" Alaric scoffed in pure disbelief. The girls nodded, and Alaric sighed. "Girls, neither of you have a driver's license. You were gonna commit grand theft auto, which is a felony. You're ditching school right before the midterm exams begin and you've made it very clear to me that you see me as an authority figure and nothing more. So tell me, why shouldn't I suspend you this very second?"

Hope sighed before she pulled her sleeve up and showed Alaric her bracelet that had been glowing ever since Landon pressed his just a few hours ago.

"And what is that?" Alaric asked.

"It's basically a supernatural compass."

"Well, I hope it's pointing you to your room, cause that's where you're going." The headmaster said.

"We're going after Landon. If this thing is glowing, that means that he's in trouble." Hope informed. Alaric gave up.

"Then we're going and I'm driving."



Miracle was sitting in the passenger seat in the car, with Alaric driving and Hope sat in the back. They passed the welcome sign as they entered a new state: Indiana.

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