15 - Nice Work, H

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 15
Word Count: 1932

Alaric had called Hope and Miracle to his office after he received a voice mail. As Miracle headed towards the office, she seemed to be unusually happier than ever. She practically skipped into the office, but her steps were silent so no one saw or heard her enter. She smirked and used that to her advantage, sneaking up behind Hope and grabbing her.


"Mira?" Hope visibly jumped, startled. Miracle burst out laughing, completely ignoring Alaric's impatient look. Hope turned towards her laughing twin, annoyed, as she held a hand over her rapidly beating heart. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"It's because you're out of practice." Miracle laughed some more, straightening up as she calmed down to quiet chuckles.

"I'll teach you 'out of practice'." Hope smirked playfully, lowering her hand from her chest as her heart calmed down. She prepared to run at Miracle to start a small 'play-fight', but she stopped when a voice cut in.

"Children!" Alaric scolded them. The Mikaelson twin turned towards him with innocent and pouty expressions. "I called you here for a reason. Save your fighting for our next training session."

"Fine." Miracle sighed, calming down and getting back to the matter at hand. "What is it this time?"

"Just listen..." Alaric then played the voice mail that he'd received and Landon's voice echoed throughout the room.

"Hey, Ric. Sorry to take off like that, but I just needed a little time. So I'm going camping for a while. Hopefully I can catch up on classwork later. Tell Raf and Jed hi for me."

"Jed?" Miracle asked. "Why would he say hi to Jed?"

"You should go after him." Hope suggested to Alaric. "Something doesn't make sense."


"Triad already tried to come for him once. It's not safe for him out there." Hope cut Alaric off.

"We kept a massive secret from him and I think he just needs some time to process that." Alaric sighed. "I think we should respect his privacy and just wait."

Hope scoffed and grabbed Miracle's hand, and the twins left the office together.


Lizzie entered her room, panting and trying to keep herself in check... but it wasn't working out so well.

"Breathe. Stay calm." A small shelf with books and a photo of the her, Miracle, and Josie fell to the floor. "No, no, don't do this!" Lizzie ran up to her bed and grabbed a golden bowl, but it broke before she could do anything with it. Hope and Miracle both then entered after hearing everything.

"Liz, are you okay?" Miracle asked, concerned.

"Stay back. It's fine. It'll pass!" Lizzie exclaimed in a slightly panicked tone. "Just--"

"What do we do?" Miracle wondered. Lizzie started to pace around her room as the lights flickered.

"I just... I need to find out what this Merge thing is, okay? I feel like it's a spell that she's gonna use to just leave or break us up or something!"

The lights all broke. Surprisingly, Hope was the first one to step forward, helping Lizzie sit down.

"All right, deep breaths. Deep breaths. I'll call our Aunt Freya... she'll know something about the Merge. Okay?" 

"Okay..." Lizzie slowly nodded, calming down. Miracle stepped forward, placing a hand on Hope's shoulder since Hope was knelt down in front of Lizzie.

"Nice work, H."

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