6 - Welcome to the Salvatore School

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 6
Word Count: 2604

"I can't do anything!" Hope was ranting, pacing back and forth. "He is still in my head, Mira! I can't even paint anything because all I think about is Landon!"

"Is that the only reason you dragged me all the way down here?" Miracle stared at her twin, unimpressed. "Hope! You interrupted my time with Lizzie just so you could have someone to rant to?"

"Only because you see Lizzie all of the time! I never see you anymore."

"You're right... I'm sorry... go ahead." Miracle sighed, and so Hope went back to rambling on and on about Landon. The older tribrid grabbed her phone and clicked on Lizzie's contact, sending her a quick voice message.

"Hey, babe. You might want to get to Hope's dorm... I think she's losing it."

And, within a matter of minutes, Lizzie was bursting into the room without knocking. The Mikaelson twins both turned towards her, Miracle with a look of amusement, and Hope will a startled expression. Lizzie smiled widely at her big entrance.

"Alright, Commence Operation: Rescue Hope from Herself."

"How did you...?" But Hope trailed off and shot Miracle a betrayed look. "You contacted Lizzie while I was speaking to you?!"

"Duh." Miracle shrugged nonchalantly, leaning back on her elbows on Hope's bed. Lizzie then spoke up again.

"I know that you don't want to hear this right now, but--"

"I'm in." Hope cut Lizzie off, and both Lizzie and Miracle were honestly stunned by Hope's eagerness. "For whatever crazy thing you were about to say."

"But I had a whole speech." Lizzie complained, disappointed that she never got her chance to be all motivational.

"I'm sure it was amazing, but I'd rather not talk right now. Let's just do anything." Hope said, causing Miracle to send her an annoyed look.

"So, I've sat here for a whole thirty minutes, listening to you talk the whole time, bored out of my mind, but the second that Lizzie walks in, you have nothing to say?!"

"Pretty much." Hope smirked over at her sister, loving how riled up she was getting.

"Dad wants us to run the tour for prospective students." Lizzie suddenly informed. "I think it would be a good distraction. For all of us."

Miracle let out a sigh. Lizzie needed the distraction because she was missing Josie as it was her first day at Mystic Falls High, Miracle needed it to distract herself from marching over to the muggle school herself and demanding to know why Josie just left without saying goodbye to her, and Hope obviously needed the distraction because of her Landon issues.


Lizzie, Miracle, and Hope stood in front the small-Ish crowd of potential students for the Salvatore school to recruit. Lizzie smiled at them.

"Welcome to the Salvatore School. Does anyone have any questions, or, um...?" And one person raised his hand, speaking in a German accent.

"Where are all the other students?"

"We had a midsemester break. But don't worry, they'll be back any minute, and this place will fill up real fast." Lizzie lied as if she was trying to convince herself. A girl then raised her hand.

"My parents said that your 'midsemester break' was because the daughter of the headmaster used black magic and killed another student."

"Well, that's not true." Miracle quickly jumped in, now being the one to lie. "And it's wrong to just accuse people like that. Do you always listen to everything your mommy and daddy tell you?"

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