4 - Just Admit That You Are a Sore Loser

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 4
Word Count: 1317

For a change, Alaric had gathered an assembly outside. Miracle stood with the students that circled Alaric as he spoke with a raised voice to his pupils. Apparently, the Necromancer had basically taken over the muggle high school, Mystic Falls High.

"The Necromancer has made his move, and the entire student body is in that high school with him. So, the question my daughter asked me earlier is one I put to you now: what are we gonna do? I have a plan. In the past, I would have kept it from you. You know, I built this school to protect you and your gifts from a world that understands neither, but the way I see it... you're the world's only shot now."

"Alright, enough with the speech." Hope stepped forward from her place in between Landon and Miracle. "I'm in."

"If Hope's in, so am I." Miracle skipped forward to stand beside her twin sister again, squeezing her hand, causing Hope to shoot her a smile.

"Well, you guys haven't even heard the plan." Alaric reminded. Hope and Miracle exchanged looks before rolling their eyes simultaneously, reminding everyone once again how twins like doing the same thing.

"It ends with us winning, right?" Hope shot back, not even needing to hear the plan.


"Where the hell is MG?" Miracle sighed, taking a look around at everyone. Hope, Alaric, Lizzie, Josie, Kaleb, Landon, Jed... but no MG.

"Found a note from him this morning. He went to go help Alyssa Chang." Kaleb informed.

"Then I'm in, too." Lizzie stepped forward, determined, with a heroic smirk. Miracle clapped her hands together excitedly with a quiet squeal and grinned over at her girlfriend. She loved when they went all Super Squad.

"Yeah. Make that four of us." Landon joined in, also stepping up beside Hope, Miracle, and Lizzie.

"Landon, this is gonna be very dangerous." Alaric told him, worried considering that he was back to being human. "And given recent events--"

"I went to that school. I mean, I'll stay out of the fight, but I can help." Landon tried to persuade the headmaster. Alaric looked to Hope for help, but all she did was shrug and side with Landon.

"Like he said, we're in."

"Alright." Alaric gave in. "Who else is with us?"


Two of the Salvatore School coaches pulled up at Mystic Falls High and many students piled out of the vehicles. Miracle was forced to sit with Kaleb and Jed since Hope and Landon went to do their part of the plan and Josie and Lizzie stayed back at the school to decide how they were going to save MG.

The students all headed over to where they saw Alaric talking to Sheriff Mac, Ethan and Maya's mother, who seemed surprised when she noticed the students. She turned to shoot Alaric an incredulous look.

"Are you crazy?! They're kids!"

"Hey! I am no kid!" Miracle defended herself considering she was 19 and was literally classed as an adult.

"And this will go a lot easier if you just trusted me." Alaric spoke in a hurried tone to the sheriff, beginning to hand out weapons to his fellow students.

"What do you need from us?" Sheriff Mac wondered, going serious again. Alaric handed out a crossbow to a student before turning back to the sheriff.

"I need you to evacuate the town and then have your team help my students hold the line."

"Against what?"

But before Alaric could answer, a loud growling was heard as a Malivore monster came bursting out of the school doors. Everyone turned towards it.

"See for yourself..." Miracle murmured, eyeing the monster. It looked like a mix between a zombie and a centaur. She then noticed another monster... a mix between a zombie and a sphinx joining the party. "Here they come!"

"Wait, what the hell is happening?!" Sheriff Mac looked stunned and so very confused that, to Miracle, it was almost laughable how slow and utterly clueless humans were.

"Exactly what we wanted." Alaric answered. "That's my cue. I've got to get out of here before he sees anything we don't want him to!" He hurried off and the zombie centaur roared.


After a large debate while the monsters neared, almost all of the students decided that they were far too cowardly to fight the evil beings, leaving only Miracle and Kaleb brave enough to be the heroes. It was quite obvious what was going to happen after that if it was just the two of them fighting two large and powerful monsters...

They made it a competition. Who could kill the monsters first?

"You cannot be serious!" Kaleb began whining as they watched the zombie-centaur drop to the ground, with Miracle cleaning her sword after using it to murder the zombie-centaur, which was only the second monster to be defeated.

"Mira: 10000, Kaleb: 0." Miracle smirked smugly in victory. "You suck at killing zombies, K-K."

"Don't call me that." Kaleb hit Miracle's sword with his own, causing her to laugh. Their small competition just then had surprisingly caused their friendship to grow. "I distracted it!"

"Oh, come on, dude." Miracle playfully rolled her eyes at Kaleb's pathetic attempt to act like he was the hero. "Just admit that you are a sore loser."


"Alright, guys, stop bickering." Alaric reappeared, walking over to the large group of students. He looked down at the zombie-centaur's body. "Hey, nice job."

But suddenly, the monster's body began to be consumed in a bright light that covered its whole being.

"Doc, is that normal?" Kaleb asked him, and Alaric looked just as shocked as he was.


The light got so bright that everyone was forced to cover their eyes, the blinding brightness of the light intensifying further.

The blinding light faded and eventually disappeared. Miracle uncovered her eyes to see that the zombie-centaur's body had completely disappeared. Miracle furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Well, that just happened."


A/N: Sorry for this short and crappy chapter but I couldn't really see where Miracle could fit in here. She couldn't go with Hope and Landon because they had couple moments which I know would've made Miracle way too awkward, and she'd rather have left Lizzie and Josie alone, knowing that they needed some desperate 'sister' time to catch up on things. So, I just stuck Miracle with Kaleb and Jed to defeat the monsters while Hope and Landon defeat the Necromancer and Lizzie and Josie save MG and bring Alyssa over to the good side.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is... this is literally just a stupid filler chapter. They'll get better from here, I promise.
I did get really confused while trying to figure out the next chapter, though. Miracle could either go into the therapy box with Hope since they haven't had sister time in a while and do need to spend some time together as they've been way too focused on other things lately, or Miracle could go to the prison world with Lizzie for some much-needed and much-wanted couple time to find something to convince Josie to stay at the Salvatore school.
For now, I've stuck with Miracle going with Lizzie to the prison world, but please comment if you'd prefer reading about Miracle going with Hope to the therapy box and I can happily change it before the next chapter is released ❤️❤️
-L xx

Please don't forget to leave your opinions, tips/advice and all that stuff in the comments, I'll definitely take tips and advice into consideration!
Josicle? Mizzie? Rafacle? Others?
Don't forget to vote, share and comment please! Xxxxx
Love you guys!

Next chapter: Lizzie and Miracle decide on destinations for their first date, but that doesn't go quite as planned when Josie gets thrown into the mix.

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