7 - Death Keeps Knocking on My Door

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 7
Word Count: 6027

Miracle's POV

I'm no stranger to death, but that doesn't mean I want to talk about it. Once a year for Remembrance Day, we're asked to write letters to our lost loved ones. We sign our names, fold them up, and scatter them throughout the cemetery.

Hope has never once signed a letter, and neither have I... neither of us usually see the point in it. Why write to the dead? I'd rather not think about it at all. Except lately... death keeps knocking on my door.


No one's POV

Miracle sat in silence, sketching something and trying to ignore everyone talking about the Remembrance Day letters. Alaric had told her and Hope all about the latest monster who'd appeared, claiming that he'd been the one who had started all of it. It was called a Necromancer, and was a truly hideous thing.

As Miracle sketched a drawing of the Necromancer, as if praying that the simple sketch would answer all of her questions about it, a sudden voice behind her startled her out of her thoughts.


Spinning around, Miracle went to snap at the person for calling her 'Cassie', but saw that it wasn't her that the person was talking to. It was Rafael, and he was staring at someone else...

Rafael and Hope stood there together, as if they'd been having a conversation a few moments before, but the dirt-covered and confused-looking young woman stood in the entrance looked like it'd stopped their conversation immediately.

Wait... Cassie?

Miracle wracked her brain for where she'd heard that name before, and then it hit her like a train. Rafael's dead girlfriend was called Cassie! The one whose life had been lost for Rafael to trigger his curse!

What the hell was Cassie doing, standing there, alive?!

Rafael rushed up to Cassie and engulfed her in a hug. Hope, still looking beyond shocked at what had just happened before her eyes, finally noticed Miracle sat nearby, also watching in pure surprise. 

The twins exchanged confused looks, not really knowing what to say or do.


Hope and Miracle had went to find Alaric immediately, hoping to explain to him that the Necromancer had gone ahead and brought someone brand new back from the dead.

When they arrived at the correct cellar in the basement, the Mikaelson twins saw Alaric carelessly torturing the unkillable Necromancer for answers.

"Dr Saltzman." Hope called. Both Alaric and the Necromancer turned towards her and Miracle.

"Oh, there you are, lovely girl." The Necromancer smirked at Hope. "I was wondering if you or your darling sister here would come visit me again. How's your friend, the one I saw you with earlier, trying to steal an illicit peek at me?"

"As we speak, he's having an emotional reunion with his dead girlfriend. I assume we have you to thank?" Hope asked coldly. The monster nodded.

"Poor dear. Her spirit was clinging to him like a vine in winter. It took barely any effort. Just a little wrinkle of the nose, and poof. Young love reborn! You're lucky that's all I did. The way you've treated a man of my stature, you should be ashamed."

"Literally nobody knows who you are." Alaric snapped, stepping out of the cellar and locking it. That one sentence was enough for the Necromancer's smirk to falter.

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