12 - There's a Mummy on Main Street

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 12
Word Count: 4800

Alaric invited everyone to come with him on some trip. By 'everyone', that was Josie, Lizzie, Hope, Miracle, Kaleb, and Dorian. Alaric had a moment when they had the slug problem and he threw the urn into a lake far from the school. Ever since then, there had been actual plagues terrorising people around the world.

So, there they were, on their mission to get the urn back.

Alaric was driving the van, Kaleb was in the passenger's seat, Lizzie sat behind Alaric, Miracle was in the middle, Josie sat behind Kaleb, Hope sat behind Lizzie, and Dorian sat behind Josie.

"Dr Saltzman, this van is very... white of you." Kaleb commented. They were only ten minutes into their very long car ride to wherever Alaric dropped the urn.

"It's retro." Alaric replied.

"It's a gas-guzzling atrocity on wheels." Liz corrected.

All of the sudden, Hope sighed from the very back of the van, holding up the bag that contained food.

"I brought snacks!"

"Oh, sweet. Did you pack them before or after you decided to FOMO your way onto our trip?" Lizzie snapped at her as Hope handed everyone a sandwich that she made.

"Like I'm gonna let you guys allow Miracle to chase monsters and not me?" Hope scoffed.

"Well, we actually like Mira. You, not so much." Lizzie said. "Besides, I would've thought you wanted to spend the break canoodling with your hipster boyfriend."

"Sorry for wanting to protect the outside world from my mistakes. You know, there's currently an urn on a river cruise spreading plagues across America because Mira thought a unicorn was cute, and I was stupid enough to go along with it." Hope pointed out.

"It's called accountability." Jo added from the other side of Miracle. The two girls each had an earbud in and were listening to the music that was coming from Josie's iPod.

"Maybe there's a bracelet for it." Hope suggested, causing Kaleb to snicker at her comment.

"Or maybe you just wanted to ruin yet another Saltzman spring break." Lizzie shot back with a small smirk on the corner of her lips.

"When have I ever ruined a spring break?" Hope asked.

"Girls!" Alaric cut in. "We're gonna be in this classic automobile for six hours, all right? So, no bickering."

"It would help if it wasn't a thousand degrees in here." Hope mentioned, fanning her face. "I'm burning up."

"You're burning up. Now, that's ironic." Lizzie murmured.

"What does that even mean?" Hope furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Don't play dumb. I see you. I see right through you." Lizzie spat childishly, turning in her seat completely to face the girl sat behind her, narrowing her eyes at my Hope.

"I don't know what you're talking about. What happened to playing nice?" Hope wondered.

"Over. Done. I'm getting back to me. I am who I am." Lizzie shrugged. "Right, Josie?" She turned her head to look over at Josie when the latter didn't answer. "Josie?"

Josie took her earbud out and looked at her twin.


"Josie, you cannot leave me alone with her for company. Especially if Mira would prefer listening to your horrible playlist than help me out here." Lizzie stated.

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