3 - Josie, You're With Me

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 3
Word Count: 4390

Miracle's POV

They say that it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Whoever wrote that clearly never experienced the love of their life forgetting their whole existence. It makes you want to be alone, because you can't lose what you never had.


No one's POV

Miracle strolled around the school buses, deep in thought, when she heard a rustling. She headed towards the sound, alert, but relaxed when she saw that it was just a bunch of boys toilet papering the school and spray painting over the school logo.

"Come on, let's go!" The boys rushed off. Miracle could've sworn she recognised them but she couldn't see their faces, until she saw what they had spray painted.


Of course. She recognised them from the Salvatore school.

She was caught off-guard when a cop car came over, blaring their cool siren. A woman stepped out of the cop car, taking in the mess of the graffiti and toilet paper, before turning to Miracle.

"This looks pretty self-explanatory, but you want to give it a shot?"

"Um, toxic masculinity mixed with outdated sports pranks?" Miracle shrugged nonchalantly, not intimidated at all, just as the window in the back seats of the cop car rolled down.

"There's no way Miracle did it. She's a Timberwolf, not a Stallion."

"Maya?" Miracle furrowed her eyebrows at the girl in the back of the cop car. "What happened?"

"Oh, don't worry. She's my mom." Maya chuckled, climbing out of the cop car. "We don't really like to talk about it."


"Hey, Miracle." A boy walked around from the other side of the car. Miracle's eyebrows shot up in surprise at who it was.

"Ethan? So, you guys are...?"

"My kids, no matter how much it embarrasses them." Their mother, the cop, told.

"'Cause who doesn't like getting dropped off to school in a cop car?" Ethan rolled his eyes, before walking off towards the entrance of school.

"I'm on official business!" The cop called over to her son, but Ethan and Maya just both walked off. The cop turned back towards Miracle. "Now... show me where I can find Principal Saltzman."


Miracle had put a cloaking spell over herself, staying hidden as she sat at Alaric's desk, secretly listening to the conversation that Alaric and the cop was having. It was obvious that Alaric knew she was there, though.

Apparently, some guy had gone missing. A teenager who went to Mystic Falls High. The cop, who Miracle found out was actually called Sheriff Mac, showed Alaric a photo of the kid. Alaric had a quick look at it before handing it back.

"Yeah. Sorry, I haven't seen him. Like I said, I'm pretty new here."

"Well, his teammates last saw him at the Old Mill by the Salvatore School. We found his truck abandoned and his hunting rifle nearby." Sheriff Mac informed.

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