6 - I Loved Seeing You Happy

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 6
Word Count: 3212

"Ow!" Miracle winced in pain, clutching her hand as she received yet another paper cut while she, Hope, and Ethan stood decorating for the festivities for Commonwealth day. "I have done that, like, five times. Is it possible to die from a paper cut?"

"It's 'cause you're such a clutz." Hope laughed, causing Miracle to send her a playful glare. "Want me to kiss it better?"

"Shove off, Hopey! We're not seven anymore." Miracle rolled her eyes, but her smile showed the amusement that she felt at Hope's words.

"Let me see." Ethan spoke up, reaching forward to take Miracle's hand as he inspected the paper cut. "Yeah. It's fatal!" Miracle shot him a sarcastic smile.

"Hey! You three!" A man yelled over to the teenagers. They all looked over at him. "Quit slacking! Tomorrow's festivities will not be thrown off by hormonal teenagers."

"Sure thing, Councilman." Ethan replied with hints of sarcasm in his voice. The man walked off and Ethan turned back to the Mikaelson twins. "Ruined by an old, white guy politician, though? Totally plausible. How did that guy with an election?"

"Democracy isn't what it used to be." Miracle sighed.

"Hey, I've got to head to practice." Ethan informed the twins.

"See you after?" Hope suggested.

"You ever want to see me, you should probably just ask me out." Ethan smirked at her, and then walked away. Miracle gasped and quickly turned towards her sister.

"Oh, my God! Ethan seems crazy for you!"

"Shut up." Hope smiled, shoving her sister, causing Miracle to laugh, but the latter suddenly gasped when a hand reached out from under the table they were stood by and grabbed hold of Miracle's ankle. As she and Hope looked down, startled, they saw Lizzie stick her head out from under the table. "Get your asses under here." And Lizzie returned under the table. Miracle turned to Hope.

"Since when were you and Lizzie--?"

"A lot changed when everyone forgot about you." Hope shrugged. "Including making some unlikely... allies?"

"You and Liz? Friends?" Miracle chuckled. "Never thought I'd see the day."

"Stop your chattering and get down here!" Lizzie hissed once again from under the table. Hope and Miracle exchanged a look before getting down on their hands and knees, crawling under the table where they saw Lizzie impatiently waiting for them.

"What are you doing?" Miracle asked her best friend.

"Looking for the two of you. You were supposed to keeping an eye on the portal to Malivore!" Lizzie reminded the two girls sat in front of her.

"We're literally on top of it." Hope pointed out.

"Not on top of it enough! A zombie snuck onto campus this morning." Lizzie told. Miracle's eyes widened slightly in shock at the new information, and then she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"I mean, are you sure it's from the portal? We've been here all night!"

"It has the mark of Malivore carved into its skull. It's obviously from the portal!" Lizzie shot back in a 'duh' tone, and Miracle sent her an unamused look. "Maybe your sister here was too busy flirting with the muggle."

"I wasn't flirting... I was blending in." Hope defended himself.

"She was definitely flirting." Miracle whispered to Lizzie, who giggled in agreement. "But by all means, sister dearest, flirt away! Hey, I could get a new brother-in-law!"

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