3 - We're a Family

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 3
Word Count: 4058

Miracle Mikaelson entered a classroom, she had chemistry of magic with Mr Williams. She sat in between Hope and Josie, with Lizzie sat on the other side of Josie.

The class had gathered in a circle, holding hands.

"All right, gather together. Chain spells are about the fluid movement of energy from witch to witch." Dorian Williams spoke, looking around at his class, when he noticed an absent member. "Where's Penelope Park?"

"Um, lady cramps, Mr Williams." Lizzie responded.

"Sorry I asked." Dorian cleared his throat awkwardly. "A disharmonious group makes for an uneven flow." Lizzie, Miracle, and Josie all laughed at Dorian's choice of words. "Okay--" But before Dorian could continue with the lesson, a letter appeared, floating in the air. Mr Williams reached for it.

"Uh oh, who's in trouble with the headmaster?" Josie whispered to Miracle, giggling quietly.

"Probably the people who started a rumble with the local high school." Hope snapped at her, making Miracle send her a glare for the harsh tone towards her girlfriend.

"Be nice please, H."

Dorian opened the letter.

"Lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman, Hope Mikaelson..." He looked at Miracle. "And baby makes four. Off you go."


The Saltzmans and the Mikaelsons made their way to the headmaster's office but he wasn't there. One of the teachers informed them that they had just seen him making his way to the library. The girls entered the library and saw Dr Saltzman.

"Girls, follow me."

"This makes no sense, Dad. Why are we being punished?" Lizzie asked as they followed him around the library.

"Because you started a brawl at a charity football game that risked exposing what we really do here." Alaric replied.

"Well, you weren't mad last night." Josie reminded.

"I was mad last night. My undying love for my daughters just happened to trump my rage. I volunteered everyone in the game, so stop complaining. You're lucky that it's just community service and not actual jail time." The headmaster stated.

"Can I at least offer a rebuttal in my defense, if it pleases the court?" Lizzie questioned, and her father nodded, allowing her to offer her rebuttal. "First of all, I was provoked. My response was totally proportional considering the levels of abuse that I was forced to endure. And secondly, if anyone should take the blame... it's Josie."

"What?!" Josie and Miracle both exclaimed.

"I'm sorry. I totally cracked under cross, but if you had just let Kaleb catch the ball--"

"You'd still be in trouble." Alaric cut Lizzie off.

"Liz, I love you, but throwing your sister under the bus? That's low." Miracle said. Lizzie looked down and didn't reply.

"Thank you, Mira." Josie thanked her girlfriend of two years.

"Speaking of, the bus leaves in ten minutes, and I expect all four of you to be on it, working together today, harmoniously and without drama. End of debate." Alaric concluded.

"We weren't even at the game. Why are we being punished?" Miracle asked, gesturing to herself and Hope. Alaric turned to her, his eyes looking like they were looking into her soul.

"You know what you did."

"Yeah, what Mira did. I wasn't in on that, I had no clue about it!" Hope defended herself.

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