11 - It's Never Felt So Real

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 11
Word Count: 4759

A bell rang in the middle of the night but it wasn't the school's bell, it was the barrier that the Mikaelson twins had together put up. They had spelled a barrier around the urn so that they could trap the next monster that came for it.

After waking Hope up, Miracle dashed downstairs to check on the urn, and Hope was quick to run after her. The twins spotted Dorian and Dr Saltzman getting ready to see what kind of monster was after them this time. 

"Sounds like the trap worked." Hope spoke. They walked outside, making their way to the old mill.

"I know this is important... but you couldn't have put pants on first?" Miracle asked her headmaster, a little disturbed at the sight of Alaric in just his PJs.

"Its a little early for snark, Miracle..." Alaric sighed tiredly.

"Any guesses on what famous monster from filmland we get to slay today?" Dorian cut in. Alaric let out a quiet chuckle.

"With our luck, it'll be Cthulhu."

The four came to an abrupt stop upon seeing what was supposed to be the next monster: a white horse.

"False alarm. It's just a horse..." Dorian frowned, disappointed that they'd woken up early for nothing.

"Must've gotten out of the stables and wandered across the barrier spell." Alaric muttered.

"Except we don't have a white horse..." Hope pointed out. Miracle furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, before her brown eyes widened as realization swept through her. They only had brown and black horses in the stables! No white ones!

The horse then turned around, revealing a long horn sticking out of the top of its head. That could only mean one thing.

It was a literal unicorn.

It walked closer, so immediately, Alaric and Dorian brought their weapons up, ready to attack. Even Hope crouched down and flashed her golden eyes threateningly at the mythical creature. Miracle, however, quickly hurried to stand in between the them and the unicorn.

"Hey, wait, wait. Hold your fire."

"It's a monster, Mira!" Hope reminded.

"It's here to take the artifact." Dorian added.

"You're not seriously suggesting we kill a unicorn?" Miracle scoffed in disbelief. That was a sentence she never thought she'd say... "Can't we just leave it alone?" Miracle glanced behind her at the majestic unicorn. "It's trapped, it's not going anywhere. It's harmless."

"Miracle's right. As long as we keep it alive, other creatures won't be coming for the urn." Alaric said with a nod.

"So we just stay alert and let it be." Hope murmured, still a little reluctant, but she went along with Miracle's idea.

"All right, well, I'll be on alert back in bed." Dorian walked off.

A slug fell out of the unicorn's ear. It latched itself onto Miracle's boot without her noticing. She turned back and returned to the school with her teacher, twin sister, and headmaster.


The next morning, Miracle was laying in bed when the slug that had followed her back to the school yesterday made its way up her face and into her nose. She scratched herself on her nose. The slug made its way up her nose and into her head.

Miracle opened her eyes and sat up with a smile, feeling better than ever. She hurried to get ready before she walked downstairs.

Spotting Landon, Hope, and Rafael, Miracle walked over to the three of them.

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