16 - Facing Darkness is Kinda My Thing

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 16
Word Count: 3637

Miracle's eyes fluttered open to reveal that she was lying down on the floor. She groggily sat up and her blurred vision slowly focused, making her notice the gloves on her hands and the red cape that she was in, her hood pulled up over her curled brown locks.

"Well, this is unexpected..." She muttered to herself, confused about the strange attire that was giving her Little Red Riding Hood vibes. She stood up and looked around. Lit candles were hung from the walls, though they didn't do much as most of the long hallway was still bathed in darkness. Moonlight from the open window also shone into the building, covering the halls. Miracle squinted her eyes through the dark hall. "Jo? Your subconscious is weirding me out."

She turned around and noticed a door, but the only exit wasn't what caught Miracle's immediate attention. It was the bread crumbs that started just by her feet and kept going in a trail through the door. Miracle rolled her eyes.

"Literal bread crumbs. Subtle." Stepping over the bread crumbs, Miracle pulled the door open further and slid through it, following the trails out of the building. It led into the woods that seemed to surround the house.

Half of Miracle's instincts were telling her to not follow the mysterious bread crumbs into the even more mysterious woods, but the other half of her instincts were urging her that it might lead her to Josie. So, Miracle entered the woods, continuing to follow the trail of food. That was until she heard a rustling, causing her head to snap up. All she could see was a shadow of someone, but it was dashing in the opposite direction. Miracle frowned and hurried after the figure.

"Wait! It's okay! You don't have to run!" She looked around, wanting to know who it was, but she worried she might've lost them. That was until the rustling picked up again behind her. Miracle span around and raised her hand out in front of her. "Post tenebras!" Immediately, a ball of light shone in her hand, illuminating her face, but the stranger was too far away for the light to reach him. "You don't have to hide, either. I'm not gonna hurt you."

So, finally, the stranger stepped forward, and Miracle hoped more than anything that it was Josie. But the tribrid's eyes widened at who she saw. It was a literal pig! And the pig was staring up at her with an unreadable expression.

"Please keep it down. You need to turn that light off before you get us both killed." The pig then turned around and began rushing off, but Miracle was quick to rush after it.

"Hey, would you wait up?"

"I can't have you doing magic near me, I'm sorry!" The pig responded.

"Why? What happens if I do magic?" Miracle questioned, and the pig finally stopped and turned to face her.

"It doesn't matter. Just please stop following me. You don't belong here!" The pig began walking off again.

"Sexist talking pigs aren't really my thing." Miracle snapped, still following the pink animal. "I'd love to leave, but I'm not going anywhere until I find my friend Josie!" And again, the pig froze, glancing back at the tribrid.

"What do you want with her?"

"I came to rescue her."

"Yeah, well, you're too late for that."

"What do you mean?"

"Pull up a stump." The pig sighed after a long moment. So, he and Miracle both took a seat on two tree stumps, and the pig began telling the tribrid the story of Josie. "Once upon a time, this was a beautiful land. A peaceful kingdom, ruled by Princess Josette. And then the Darkness came. The princess tried to fight it, but using her magic only made the Darkness stronger. It was tied to her somehow, and if she kept fighting it, the Darkness would grow to cover the entire land. So, Princess Josie placed a sleeping spell on herself so that she could never do magic again, and so that the Darkness could never grow. If we wake her up, the Darkness will grow again. So... as much as we all miss her, this is how it has to be. Destiny's a bitch, huh?"

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