13 - You Can't Save Them All

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 13
Word Count: 4197

Words seemed to cloud Miracle's every thought, every dream, every nightmare. She'd wake up and the same words could be all she thought about. It was like a prophecy... a riddle that she needed to figure out.

'But when the arrow finds him, a new hero dies. A new hero rises, and he will take flight. A new hero rises but can be felled by the golden arrow.'

She had no idea what that was supposed to mean... and she also had no idea how long she had to figure it out.


Miracle was staring intently at the broken ascendant, trying to figure out how to piece it back together so she could bring the Saltzmans back... but she was stuck, not knowing where the hell to start. Hope then walked in, carrying food on a tray.


"Hey!" Miracle immediately smiled at the sight of her sister, and she eyed the food tray. "What's all this?"

"Just thought you might be hungry." Hope placed the tray of food on the desk in front of Miracle before glancing at the ascendant. "Any progress?"

"No. Alyssa spelled it so every time I repair it, it just breaks again." Miracle informed with a defeated sigh. "There's gotta be something I'm overlooking."

"There is." A different voice was suddenly heard as a man entered the room. Both Hope and Miracle looked towards the door to see who had entered... it was Kai Parker himself. "Sorry, you have the wrong ascendant."

"Oh? Says who?" Miracle questioned sarcastically with a roll of her eyes, not needing the random input of a total stranger.

"Fam, meet..." Dorian cut in, standing beside Kai. "Joshua!"

"Hello." Kai — or 'Joshua' — waved by wiggling his fingers, smiling brightly at the twins.

"Old friend of Ric's. And — drum roll please — he's also an expert on prison worlds." Dorian told cheerfully. "I told him about our problem."

"Do you mind if I...?" Kai walked forward, and Miracle shrugged in response. "Thank you so much." He leant down to observe the ascendant closer. "Wow. Wow, wow, wow. It is in pieces. Oh, my. Yeah. There's a linking spell on this. It produces a faint hum, like a melody, if you know what to listen for. When the Saltzmans performed their spell on this ascendant, they were being tied to another. That witch of yours didn't send them to, you know, a new, empty prison world. She sent them somewhere far older and much more dangerous. And you're going to need my help to get them out."


"It's worse than we thought!" Miracle was busy pacing back and forth, ranting in frustration to Hope, who was just sat watching her. "The Saltzmans are stuck inside of a prison world with the guy who murdered their mother and literally kidnapped aunt Ana because of some creepy obsession! They're all in danger."

"Alyssa must have kept the original ascendant hidden." Hope muttered, leaning back in her chair. "You know she's not just gonna hand it over."

"I have to know if the Saltzmans are still alive." Miracle stopped pacing to turn towards Hope, a frantic yet determined look in her eyes. "And the only way to do that is to astral-project there. If they've been in danger this whole time and something happens because I couldn't find a way to save them--" Tears began to cloud her vision, but she was snapped out of it by a sharp knock on the door. Dorian then entered.

"Hey, sorry to intrude. Got some good news! So, Joshua's doing some research for us. He said there's a rare flower that grows near the falls. The extract makes people tell you their deepest secrets. If we give that to Alyssa, we can get her to tell us where the ascendant is. Hope, you come with me."

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