12 - Break The Rules Just This Once?

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 12
Word Count: 1206

A/N: As this one is just supposed to be focusing on Lizzie, Josie, and Alaric stuck in the prison world with Kai (and Jade if you've actually watched legacies and know who that is), I will only be doing a flashback scene in this chapter, but I'll also try and do the next chapter tonight if I have time as an apology for this one being so short! ❤️
-L xx



"Josie, come on!" 8 year old Miracle, who had only been in the Salvatore School for a little under a year, giggled childishly as she pulled along a 7 year old Josie.

"We're going to get caught sneaking around, Mira." Josie scolded, but still couldn't help but laugh and smile, following Miracle eagerly despite being worried that they'd get caught.

"Jo, if you live your whole life without taking any risks, are you really living at all?" The wise tribrid child smirked before the two of them came across a room they'd never entered. Miracle, believing that Josie would have seen every room in the place considering she'd been there for way more years, turned towards the younger brunette. "Hey, what's in here?"

"It's the detention room but neither of us have ever had detention so of course we haven't seen it." Josie said. "Let's check it out!" So, together, the two girls peaked through the gap in the door and spotted three people in the room. A blonde girl, a brunette girl, and a brunette boy.

"Knock it off, Wendy. You're gonna burn the place down!" The blonde girl snapped at the brunette one, who was practicing magic by creating fire balls in her hand.

"Okay, Warden." The brunette girl, Wendy, replied sarcastically. "You're just upset you can't go to your Muggle party."

"Yeah, well, I told Inez I was gonna be there, and now she's gonna think that I flaked on her." The blonde shrugged, leaning back in her chair. The boy then let out an annoyed grunt and threw out of his fist — causing Miracle to jump a little from the opposite side of the door, startled by his aggressiveness — but his fist only collided with a strong barrier spell.

"Yep, the barrier spell is still up." Wendy sighed before shooting the boy a sarcastic smile. "Thanks for checking, though, Diego."

"I hate being locked up." The boy, Diego, huffed, obviously really frustrated.

"Yeah, well, in case you didn't notice, I got issues, too. And being stuck in detention with an edgy werewolf is triggering 'em." Wendy snapped, sending a glare in Diego's direction.

"You know, we wouldn't even be here if you could just control yourself." The blonde girl pointed out, standing up and turning to Diego.

"It's not me, Jade! It's the turn!" Diego defended himself. "When the full moon's coming, something just happens to me."

"I can't hear them properly. We need to get closer." Miracle whispered to Josie, who nodded. The two silently opened the door and leant against the door frame, still out of sight of the three older kids.

"You mean, like, you become a wolf?" Wendy asked Diego sarcastically.

"Oh, screw you!" Diego exclaimed, taking a step closer to her intimidatingly. "You got no idea what it feels like, to feel every bone in your body break. It's worse than any pain you've ever felt."

"Okay, you've convinced me." Wendy let out a sigh. "Life is awful and unfair, so relax! Detention is gonna last as long as it lasts."

"Unless..." The blonde girl, Jade, piped up, suddenly getting an idea. She'd spotted two girls stood by the door, trying to stay hidden. "Hey, girlies!"

"Jade!" Miracle immediately ran forward once she saw who it was. She'd known Jade since she joined the school almost a year ago and she saw the blonde as an older sister. Hope didn't really like Jade because of her attitude but Miracle looked up to the blonde so much. "I didn't know it was you in here!"

"M&M! Well, now you do." Jade laughed as Miracle ran up to her, but was stopped by the barrier spell, causing the young girl to frown since was no longer able to hug Jade. Miracle always loved Jade's hugs. Josie walked in slightly sheepishly, but still smiled brightly at Jade. The two also got along quite well since Miracle introduced them a few months before. "Hey, Joze."

"Hi." Josie mumbled, clearly quite shy.

"What you doing?" Jade asked the two children. "You girls spying on me? This is Diego and Wendy."

"She's the witch who does fire." Miracle pointed at Wendy, far more outgoing compared to Josie, and Wendy then showed off by creating another fire ball in her hand, and Miracle and Josie looked slightly in awe at the magic that they hadn't been taught how to create yet.

"Yeah, we're spelled in here... and now we're gonna miss this really awesome party that we wanted to go to." Jade sighed, kneeling down so she was eye-to-eye with the two younger girls.

"Aren't you one of those special siphon witches?" Wendy asked Josie quite deviously, and Josie shyly nodded. "I bet you could take this barrier spell down with no problem."

"No. No way. No, that's too hard. Only advanced witches can do that." Jade joined in with the plan. Miracle knew what they were doing but didn't bother mentioning it considering their plan to get out seemed quite harmless. "Unless... I mean, you think you could handle a big girl spell like that."

"I'm not supposed to..." Josie murmured. Miracle walked closer to her best friend and grabbed her hand.

"No, it's alright, Jo! Jade's my friend and she knows the rules."

"Exactly." Jade winked at Miracle for backing her up, causing the 8 year old tribrid to grin brightly at the small praise. Jade then turned back to Josie. "What M&M said! We'll go to the party and then be back before anyone even realizes we're gone. What do you say, Joze? You one of us? Miracle has proven herself worthy, but now it's your turn."

"Please, Jo?" Miracle squeezes Josie's hand and gives her the puppy dog eyes, knowing perfectly well that Josie could never say no to her and never has before. "Break the rules just this once?"

And so, not being able to say no to Miracle like every other time, Josie sighed and gave in to breaking the rules and letting the three older kids out of detention.

But neither of the little girls knew that in only seven years to come, the two of them would not only develop a crush on eachother that would never truly fade, but would also start one of the most rockiest, complicated, but most epic love stories known in the Salvatore School.

End of Flashback


Please don't forget to leave your opinions, tips/advice and all that stuff in the comments, I'll definitely take tips and advice into consideration!
Josicle? Mizzie? Rafacle? Others?
Don't forget to vote, share and comment please! Xxxxx
Love you guys!

Next chapter: Miracle finds herself in a race against the clock as the pressure to rescue the Saltzmans grows.

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