13 - It's What Makes us Human

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 13
Word Count: 4550

It was nighttime in Mystic Falls when Kaleb approached his headmaster in the Stefan Salvatore Memorial library. Alaric was unpacking his weapons after getting home from his trip to Maple Hollows.

"Dr S!"

"Kaleb..." Alaric sighed. "We just killed a mummy and spent six hours in a van together, and I'm not sure--"

"I can't find MG." Kaleb cut him off, causing Alaric to frown in concern.

"What do you mean?"

"I just checked in with his hall monitor but he missed curfew. Monitor said he tried calling you." Kaleb informed. Alaric felt for his phone in his pockets, but found nothing.

"Ah, that guy from Triad Industries took my phone."

"All right, whatever. We... we got to find him. This ain't the night for vampires to be walking around unchecked." Kaleb pointed out, reminding his headmaster that is was a full moon.


As Miracle strolled the schools, she was suddenly approached by Hope, who looked like something was bothering her.

"Yo, baby sis." Miracle greeted cheerfully. "What's with the face?"

"Should I be offended or happy that you don't like my face, considering we're twins?" Hope chuckled, and Miracle smiled while linking her arm with Hope's.

"You know what I mean, Hopey. What's up with you?"

"It's just..." Hope hesitated, going serious. "Have you seen Landon? I thought he might be down here with Raf for moral support."

"No, sorry, but you're in luck! I was actually coming down here to visit the wolves." Miracle informed. "You know how I love to antagonize them when they can't get to me."

"You're so cruel, Mira." Hope laughed as the two rounded the corner to the werewolf cellars, only to see Alaric stood in front of a cellar with a concerned look.

"Hey, Dr Saltzman." Miracle greeted as she and Hope walked up to him. "You down here to visit Rafael or something?"

"Raf's not here." Alaric told the girls.

"Wait, he's-- what?" Hope hissed, shocked.

"The supervisors said he didn't check in. And now MG's missing, too." Alaric mumbled in an almost frantic and nervous tone.

"But it's a full moon." Miracle realised, her brown eyes growing wide when she realised how dangerous it was for MG to be out past curfew.

A wolf howling could be heard, surprisingly close by, and the wolves reacted to it in a way that told Alaric, Miracle, and Hope that the howling wolf was their alpha.

"Oh, God..." Miracle whispered quietly. "Why can't we ever just have a normal day at school?"


Alaric, Miracle, and Hope went out to the woods to try to find any trace of the missing boys, flashlights in their hands as they walked.

"I don't know why our locator spell didn't work. We joined our magic, so the spell had twice the amount of power." Miracle stated, gesturing to herself and Hope.

"If you can't find them, it means someone's cloaking them or--"

"Or they're dead." Miracle finished in a slightly snappy tone, worried. "We're aware."

"What would possess them to leave campus?" Alaric wondered, mainly to himself as they continued to walk through the woods. "Why would they be so irresponsible--"

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