5 - Friends

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 5
Word Count: 5024

It was morning. Dorian had called Alaric. He stood inside his cabin when the door opened, and a dryad entered. She spotted the knife that Landon had stolen and that monsters had been coming after, and went to grab it when she was stopped by a boundary spell.

The creature turned around and saw Dorian sealing the boundary circle around the dryad that he had created with a few magical herbs. Dorian called Alaric and watched as the creature removed their hood.

"You deceived me..." She spat. Dorian raised the phone to his ear.

"Ric. I got one that talks"

Dr Saltzman had gathered the students and teachers for an assembly. Hope and Miracle entered the grand hall. Well, more like Hope had dragged Miracle in roughly by her wrist.

"God damn, Hope, loosen the grip!" Miracle complained, trying to get out of Hope's grip to leave. "I don't want to be here! She'll be here! I want to sleep!"

"Mira!" Hope span towards her twin. "I get it, okay? You don't want to run into Josie because your built-up paranoia over the years has driven you to believe that she will be sitting in here, right beside the guy who she cheated on you with." Yes... Hope was the first person that Miracle had told last night. "But I am almost positive that Josie realized her mistakes and is staying far away from--"

"Wolf boy." Miracle growled quietly, her eyes glaring harshly at something behind Hope. The younger twin span around to look at what Miracle was looking at. Hope let out a silent 'oh' of shock when she saw Josie and Rafael sitting together, talking in hushed tones. A pang stunned Miracle's heart as hurt rushed through her. "I'm getting the hell out of here..."

"No, you're not!" Hope stopped her sister from leaving. "We're going to get through this assembly with you two in the same room, no fights caused, and all will go smoothly. You still have me, and that Lizzie Saltzman, who I still think is a bad influence, and so many others who literally worship you. It's Josie's loss. Okay?" Miracle hesitantly nodded. "And besides, when has the Miracle Mikaelson ever bowed her head to anyone? That's not the sister I know! Miracle Mikaelson would rise up, stronger than ever, and show Josie Saltzman who she lost and what she was missing. Miracle Mikaelson would walk through the halls with her head held high. She doesn't take crap from no one!"

And slowly, a smile graced its way onto Miracle's face.

"You're right. Thank you, Hopey."

"My pleasure." Hope smiled back.

"Mira!" Lizzie waved Miracle over. "I saved you a seat!"

Seeing that Lizzie had only saved one seat, Miracle turned back to Hope with a sheepish look.

"Go." Hope chuckled. "I'll go sit with MG."

So, Miracle quickly hugged her twin before going to sit beside Lizzie, waiting for the assembly to begin.

Alaric cleared his throat before he spoke to the students. He stood behind a podium, and next to him, stood Ariana Salvatore.

"Given recent events, some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future. And I agree. If you are expected to abide by this school's policies, it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made. So, I am forming an honor council. One vampire, one witch, and one werewolf, each elected by their peers. Along with our school counselor, Ariana, whose vote will represent the younger students." The students started to mutter to each other. "Now, I have to go off-campus. In the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely. That's all. You're dismissed."

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