10 - There's a World Where Your Dream Came True

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 10
Word Count: 8355

A/N: Heads up! - This is going to be a very long chapter! Maybe even the longest I've ever written!! ❤️
-L xx

After the urn had glowed under his pillow, Alaric had immediately started to await a new monster, getting prepared as he called Hope and Miracle to his office so he could explain what had happened to them.

"You sure it glowed again?" Hope spoke.

"I sleep with the damn thing under my pillow. It's hard to miss." Alaric pointed out with a subtle, tired eye roll.

"What do you think it's gonna be this time? Hmm? Cyclops? Slender Man? Santa?" Miracle joked, yawning near the end. Alaric chuckled.

"Well, given our luck, I think it's safe to rule out Ol' Saint Nick."

"I don't know." Miracle giggled quietly, trying to stay awake as she stood up from her chair to stretch her legs. "I mean, Santa Claus is kind of terrifying when you think about it. Breaks into your home. He sees you when you're sleeping. Not to mention: judge-y."

"I need you to focus." Alaric sighed.

"We're trying..." Hope frowned, as exhausted as the other two. "I just wish that Satan's nightlight would give us some rest."

But suddenly, a blue-skinned woman appeared in the seat next to Hope's, but nobody even acknowledged her.

"Yeah. And I wish that knife was never in our school to begin with, but it's not like we can change that now. All we can do is make sure we're not blindsided by another monster waltzing through our doors." Alaric explained, making the blue woman snort out a laugh of amusement.

The doors then opened and the Saltzman twins entered with their suitcases.

"JO!" Miracle immediately jumped up, sprinting over to her girlfriend whom she'd missed terribly during the Saltzman's trip to visit her mother. Running into Josie's arms, Miracle clung tightly to the younger girl. Josie quietly chuckled and hugged back. Miracle pulled away and planted a quick kiss on Josie's cheek before turning to Lizzie. "LIZ!"

"Hey, buttercup." Lizzie was the one who initiated their hug, pulling Miracle forward and enveloping her in a tight embrace.

"Hey, guys! I've missed you both so much!" Miracle grinned, eventually pulling away from hers and Lizzie's hug. Although she kept smiling, her brows furrowed slightly in confusion. "What are you doing here so early? Not that I'm complaining, of course! I just thought you guys weren't supposed to get in until tonight."

"Our mom was able to get us direct into Dulles." Lizzie informed, then turned to her father, who looked surprised to see his daughters home so early. "She faxed, texted, and e-mailed you our revised itinerary."

"I am so sorry..." The father apologized. "It's... it's chaos around here."

"It's okay, Dad. We know that you're overwhelmed. But Europe was amazing and seeing Mom was really good." Josie smiled, then turned to Miracle, grabbing her warm hand. "Of course, it would've been better with you there. You should come next time! Our mom loves you, and she'd love to see you again."

"Yeah, we'll have to arrange something." Miracle agreed. "Caroline's great! I'd love to see her again, too."

"Dad, we waited for you in the chilly dark of morning at the terminal and you never showed up." Lizzie changed the subject, dropping her bag to the floor. Miracle glanced at her to see Lizzie glaring angrily at Alaric.

"In his defense, we've been in crisis mode around here." Hope told.

"Oh, we've heard all about it." Lizzie responded, crossing her arms. "Mira got bamboozled by one of the monsters and now only two keys separate the entire supernatural community from being consumed by a hell portal. I'm guessing that weird little vase is one of them?"

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