15 - Way More Than Friends

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Book: Mikaelson Twins
Chapter 15
Word Count: 4254

A/N: In my last chapter, one of my fav readers (because they make time to comment on almost every chapter which I love and appreciate❤️) commented about when Miracle's escape word was 'Achilles' and wondered if there was a hidden meaning behind that. I might not find the right way to include its meaning in this chapter so I'm just going to clear it up now!
Hopefully, some of you might've realised by now that I got 'Achilles' from 'Achilles Heel', which basically means a weakness if I was to sum it up, or a vulnerable area.
I want y'all to know that this was just in the simulation so Miracle was definitely not doubting her growing feelings for Lizzie! They are still very much there! What the escape word means is that Miracle was worrying that she was also starting to like Jade, but the word was simply to let Miracle know that her feelings for Jade are only an illusion and Miracle thought she was liking Jade because all she wants is to be loved, and she feels like she has to like anyone who shows her any sort of romantic affection. But no, she soon realizes that she doesn't like Jade like that and it also helps her realise her feelings for Lizzie.
HOWEVER, Jade might like Miracle... an unrequited love, apparently!
Who do you think Miracle is going to choose?! ❤️❤️
-L xx


"Attention, students." Alaric's voice rang through the P.A. "Please make your way to morning assembly."

Miracle rose to her feet along with Hope and the two began walking to assembly together.

"I hate to do this but I promised Landon I'd sit with him." Hope told her sister as they got ready to take their seats. Miracle sighed and scanned the room, noticing the familiar head of her blonde best friend.

"It's fine. I'll just sit with Liz." She walked over to Lizzie and slid into the available seat beside her. "Hey!"

"Hey, Mira." Lizzie grinned at the sight of Miracle. They then paid attention to Alaric, who began speaking.

"I know you are all worried. Believe me, no one is more worried than I am. My daughter Josie is still missing. But even as I speak, we're doing everything we can to find her. Jed and the wolves are attempting to track her. Kaleb and the vampires have compelled local police for any help that they can provide. We will find her and bring her home. That said, I just want to reiterate, under no circumstance should any of you approach her. While she is our family and friend, she is under the influence of black magic and... not herself. Your safety and Josie's is my top priority. I promise you I will get through to her and bring back the Josie we know and love safely. But first... we just have to find her."

Suddenly, the assembly was interrupted by a loud thud being heard. Confused, everyone looked around them for the cause of the interruption. It was only the door swinging open, but it was who entered that had fear pricking many hearts. It was Dark Josie.

"I'm right here, dad."

"Jo..." Miracle whispered to herself, mixed with relief and slight fear as she rose to her feet. Dark Josie raised her hands, causing her to hover above the ground, and Miracle watched with raised brows as the dark witch literally floated down the stairs towards them.

"Well, don't look so shocked." Dark Josie smirked at the expressions that everyone wore. "Did you really think that I would miss my birthday?" Her dark eyes then flickered over to where Miracle and Lizzie were. She approached them and her eyes stayed glued to Miracle for a long moment, before she tore them away to look at Lizzie. "Oh, I'm sorry. Our birthday. So..." Dark Josie brushed right past Miracle to approach her father. "What did I miss?"


Miracle was intently watching Dark Josie and her little minions preparing for her 18th birthday party, which brought her back to the thought that she didn't even celebrate her 18th because she was in Malivore during her birthday.

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