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The Pandavas, Kunti and Anaahat have been walking for quite a while amidst the forest. The sun had already set, it was completely dark, the only source of light was the fire torches carried by Yudhishthir in the front and by Bheem in the back.

They walked together closely in the group, just in case any wild animal shows up as a threat. Right behind Yudhishthir walked Kunti along with Nakul.

Behind them walked Arjun and Anaahat, holding hands. And at behind them walked Bheem and Sehdev. All of them carried weapons they had made in the forest with sticks and stones held together with vines.

Yudhishthir carried a spear, Bheem carried a mace, Arjun and Anaahat both carried bows and arrows while Nakul carried a sword, Sehdev carried an axe and Kunti carried a dagger.

"I think we should rest here." Yudhishthir said.

"Sounds right." Kunti said.

"Me and Nakul will clear the ground." Sehdev said.

Both the twins went ahead to clear the ground off of any leaves or twigs. As Nakul swinged his sword and Sehdev his axe, the winds created from it quickly clear the ground.

Bheem goes and brings a big rock, placing it on the ground as he sat over it and looks at the rest with a smile.

"You all go to sleep without worry. I shall keep an eye out for any threats." Bheem said.

"As you wish." Yudhishthir nodded.

"And Bhrata Bheem if you get scared then just wake me up." Nakul joked.

At that Bheem picked up a twig and threw it at Nakul's face.

"Ouch Bhratashree !" Nakul whined as the rest chuckled.

"Go and sleep Nakul." Bheem told.

As the rest of them started lying down, Arjun looked at the hard surface of the ground and then at Anaahat. The rest of them had spent their childhood and Gurukul days in forest so it was no problem to them.

But she on the other hand, had spent her life in the luxuries of chiefdom and kingdom, in the palaces attended by 100s of maids. She wouldn't be comfortable on the ground.

Thus he removed his Angvastra and placed it flat on the ground.

"Anaahat ? You can sleep here." Arjun said.

"But that is your Angvastra." She said.

"I cannot bring the comforts of the palace here in the forest, but I can try to make this journey a little more comfortable for you." Arjun said, at that Anaahat smiled.

"Umm-hmmm Bhrata Arjun." Nakul smirked.

"Nakul !" Kunti warned.

"Just because we're in the forest doesn't mean you forget the proper code of conduct." Bheem said.

"Sure sure." Nakul chuckled.

Anaahat and Arjun looked at him with red cheeks as she quickly lied over his Angvastra and turned to the other side. Arjun looks at her and then at Nakul.

"Nakul, keep you ears and eyes over that direction." Arjun said.

"Certainly Bhratashree, I respect your wish for privacy." Nakul teased.

"Bhrata Bheem, can you lend me that mace ?" Arjun asked.

"Oh my god, it's getting so late ! Go to sleep everybody." Nakul said and quickly went to sleep.


Fluff of Anaarjun with the spice of Nakul 😂😂😂

You know what will make this story more spicy ???

Star plus version of Hidimba-Bheem Vivah...... Again because of the ✨DRAMA✨

And who doesn't want to see Majhle bhaiya all fluffy in love ???

After all here at Dharmport we care about three things -




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