1. Him

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Walking into the bar on Friday night 15 minutes late for my shift is not how I envisioned my day going, but here we are. Amongst the rapidly growing throngs of drunken people all trying to get handsy with each other, my bag slips off my shoulder and hits the floor. Perfect.

As I lean over to retrieve it, I can practically feel the eyes burning into my backside, and anticipate the comment that is surely coming my way any second,

"Damn baby! Bend over a little further for me, give us a real show"

A sigh leaves my mouth before I can even help it, drunken guys just don't see to know when to keep their mouths shut and I hold my middle finger up over my shoulder. Can't afford to verbally abuse somebody this soon into my shift, Samuel would have a field day. Speak of the devil,

"Hey doll, everything ok? You're never usually late" Samuel says this with a kind smile and a concerned look on his face, as if he's worried the question will set me off.

"Yeah Sam, don't worry just running a little late today that's all. Sorry I didn't call" I say, shoving my bag in one of the cupboards under the bar top, where staffs belonging are kept.

Matter of fact I didn't call because I was too busy trying to run out of the house before the guy down the street saw me leaving in a rush and tried to corner me into going on a date with him, as he had been doing for the past 6 weeks. He's harmless enough but clearly cannot take a hint and is unfortunately not my type. Blonde and approximately 5 foot 8 and wears the tightest jeans I have ever seen on a man.

It's around 10pm now and it's picked up since I started a couple of hours ago, the music is louder and the lights are a little dimmer but it's comforting, a safe space for me, even amongst all these strangers. Maybe because nobody really knows me here, other than Sam who offered me this job a couple of years back when I left home. There are a couple of regulars who know my name and always care enough to ask me how I'm doing and if any 'lucky guy has managed to lock me down yet' but the answer is always no.

At the minute I'm enjoying the ability to flirt with some of the cute guys who come in on a weekend, or even have the freedom to come and go as I please, not having to ask permission to go out or approval for my outfits. But maybe that's the pessimist in me, head clouded with these ideas after my last failed relationship. It's not like I'm against relationships, I just haven't found anybody worth my trust in a while.

"Um, sorry, excuse me!" I hear shouted in my general direction, so I turn to look. A shaved head is what I see first, tilted down towards the bar, looking for something in his wallet? Then his head shoots up and he has the biggest grin on his face, it's almost contagious.

"Hey! Sorry about that I couldn't find my card. Could I please order some drinks?"

"Of course, what can I get for you?" I make sure to say this with kindness, as it's rare these days that someone cares enough to use their manners when talking to a bartender.

"Could I get a JD and coke, two beers and uh, make that two JD's and coke and two beers actually, sorry. Thank you, uh" I can see him looking for a name tag and I catch myself smiling at this man's attempt to address me properly.

"Emily, my name's Emily. Is that everything for you or can I get you anything else?"

"JD, uh my name is JD. Not my birth name obviously but that's what my friends call me. So yes, that's everything thank you" This man seems sweet, and I smile at him, feeling comfortable despite only having met him 5 minutes ago.

"I could bring these over to your table for you if you like? It's getting crowded at the bar and you'll end up getting stuck with a tray of drinks" it's not policy for us to do this, but kindness is rare and I like to give it back to those who deserve it.

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