35. Alistair

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It took a lot of convincing for Nate to let me go home while he finished his shift. He was practically pouting as he clung to my hand when I started to move away from him. The furthest I got from him was about 5 steps when he reached out and pulled me back into him so he could kiss me, mumbling against my lips how he could just leave early and come home with me.

The idea was quickly thrown aside when Rico knocked on his office door to tell him to 'put his dick away and work on the car waiting for him'. I was glad for the closed door and blinds so he couldn't see the red tint to my cheeks at his words, which only encouraged Nate's wandering hands and the burning trail of kisses he left along my skin.

I finally managed to get away after an hour of me promising he could come and see me when he finished, and he still insisted on seeing me out, much to JD's amusement, who was waggling his eyebrows at the two of us when we finally emerged from his office.

I couldn't get out of there fast enough after a series of wolf whistles ricocheted off the garage walls when Nate pulled me in for a kiss as I left. 

I'm currently pacing around my living room as I check the time on my phone for the hundredth time. He finished work 5 minutes ago and told me before that he would be coming here after he went home to get clean clothes.

His words reminded me of the underwear set I put on before I left the house this morning and I'm seriously contemplating whether to take it off. What if he thinks it's embarrassing? Or that I don't look good in these colours? Fucking hell.

I remind myself to get a grip and take a deep breath as I hear a knock on the front door, triggering a giddy feeling in my stomach.

I practically run to the door, standing behind it for a few moments so he doesn't realise how much I rushed to get here and I pull the door open, smile lifting the corners of my mouth when I realise who's here and I freeze.

"Emily, hi. I saw you got home not long ago. I wanted to say hi" I recognise Alistair, the guy who's asked me out one too many times and I send him a polite smile.

"Hi Alistair. How are you?" I ask and remind myself that he's just got a silly crush and I don't need to be rude to him, he hasn't made me uncomfortable in any way. I notice a blush rise on his face at my words and I try not to grimace at his reaction to me.

"I'm good! How are you? I uh- I bought you these" and he thrusts a bunch of flowers at me, roses from what I can see and I'm briefly taken back the gesture, a bright smile on his face as he watches me.

"Wow, thank you, they're lovely" I tell him and nod my head as I say it, feeling awful that he's trying so hard and I ready myself to bite the bullet and tell him I'm seeing someone.

"I really appreciate the gesture Alistair, it's very nice of you" and his smile brightens at my words, stepping closer to me and I move back slightly, relieved when he doesn't notice.

"The thing is, I'm seeing someone right now" and I feel awful when his smile falters on his face, dropping slowly as he registers what I've just told him.

"But-but you said you weren't looking for someone right now" he stutters out and I visibly cringe as he throws my own words back at me,

"I know I did and I honestly wasn't, he just kind of snuck up on me" I shrug and smile to myself as I realise how accurate my words are, stopping myself when I see how hurt he looks.

"I'm really sorry Alistair" and I move to pass the flowers back to him, flinching slightly when he lurches back from me as if I moved to hit him, shaking his head as he does with a confused look on his face.

"I-I don't understand. You told me you didn't want a relationship, but you just meant with me, didn't you?" he accuses and I open my mouth to apologise again, not quite managing to get the words out when someone else speaks up.

"Hey sweetheart sorry I'm-" and I close my eyes, wishing that the world would swallow me up as Nate comes bounding over the pavement and up the driveway to my front door. I hear his footsteps come to a gradual halt as he sees me stood here, holding a bunch of roses and a dejected Alistair stood in front of me.

I open my eyes and watch as Nate observes the tension between us, coming slowly to stand slightly in front of me, watching Alistair as he does.

"Um. Nate this is Alistair, Alistair this is Nate" and I gesture between them as I mumble my words, watching the way Alistair frowns at me before he looks over at Nate, the latter reaching his hand out in offer of a handshake.

"Hey man nice to meet you" and I'm surprised how civil he's being, considering the last time another guy flirted with me. I fight the rising heat in my body as I remember what happened in Nate's bathroom.

Alistair reaches his hand out tentatively and shakes Nate's offered hand, pulling back sharply and mumbling about how he has to leave before he spins on his heel and marches away down the street. I stand here slightly open mouthed as I try to figure out what the fuck has just happened. I thought he had a silly little crush but here he was, handing me flowers and getting upset when he realised I wasn't interested.

I try to think back to if I ever gave mixed signals, but I always made sure to keep everything friendly and to never give the wrong impression. Sighing, I realise Nate is standing in front of me with a curious look on his face and a rising smirk on his lips,

"You've been my girlfriend all of 3 hours and I've already got competition" he shakes his head in mock exhaustion before a mischievous look lands on his face and he lunges towards me, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I scream in response, laughing as he carries me inside my house, closing the door behind him with his foot.

He carries me into the living room and drops me on the couch, bag dropped at the doorway and roses plucked from my grip and deposited on the coffee table. I'm breathless and my hair is a mess as I sit where he dropped me, laughing at the way he stands in front of me with his hands on his hips.

He shakes his head at me and leans over to put his hands on either side of my head, a dark look in his eyes as he forces me to lean back into the couch cushions.

"What am I going to do with you hm?" and I don't have time to answer before he's kissing me. A gentle force behind it as he leans further into me, his legs between my parted ones now and his right hand comes up to tilt my chin back, pushing my head up as he kisses me.

He slips his tongue between my lips, and I fight the need to clench my thighs together to relieve some of the sudden tension I'm feeling. Clearly, I don't fight it enough as Nate chuckles against my mouth when he feels my legs moving, his grip on my face tightening slightly so my lips are pouted.

He pulls back to look at me sat below him, his eyes running languidly over my form and his tongue darts out to wet his lips.

"You're a fucking vision" he tells me, shaking his head as if he can't quite believe what he's seeing and he leans back in to kiss my pouted lips, face still clasped in his hand.

"Mind if I take a shower?" he asks and I nod my head in response, not being able to find words after what's just happened between us.

I blink out of my stupor when I realise Nate is standing with his bag in his hand, presumably waiting for me to show him where the shower is and I take the lead, trailing up the stairs and showing him to the main bathroom, letting him know that he can use my stuff if he likes and I leave the room, closing the door behind me and bracing myself against it. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself to relax.

Trying and failing not to think about him naked and wet.

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