49. Aftercare

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It didn't take long for Nate to drag me upstairs and throw me onto his bed. He was pulling my top off before I could blink and planting warm kisses all over the skin of my neck and chest.

"You drive me crazy" he groans against my skin, biting gently at my hip and soothing the skin with his tongue, "Up" he pats my thighs and I lift off the bed, dropping my head back as he slides my pants and underwear down, throwing them on the bedroom floor behind him.

I watch him as he stands up straight, pulling his t-shirt over his head and sliding his joggers down his legs, his cock springing free and my mouth waters at the sight of him stood naked in front of me, his hand coming up to stroke himself as he stands and looks at me.

"You" he points at me "Come here" he pulls me to him by my ankles and flips me over, feet on the floor and arms on the bed in front of me.

I rear forward when he plants a sharp slap on my ass, running his palm on the pink skin afterwards,

"Perfect" he mutters, slapping me again and releasing a dark chuckle at my reaction, "You don't have to hide it, sweet girl. I know you like it" he leans over and bites on the tender skin of my ass cheek, hard enough to sting but enough to feel good.

"You're so fucking wet" he slaps me again, rubbing his cock against my folds, "You want my cock now or do you want my fingers first?" he asks, and I shake my head,

"Just fuck me. Please" I don't even care that I'm begging at this point, too turned on to care about the satisfaction he's probably getting from it.

"I don't know if you deserve my cock though. You've been fucking rude tonight sweetheart" I shake my head, grunting when he forces my head down into the mattress and lifts my right leg onto the bed.

"You know what" he tells me, leaning over me, grip on the back of my neck and he presses his lips to my ear, "You don't get a choice, you're going to take my cock like the little slut you are"

He leans away from me and slaps my ass again, thrusting into me and filling me to the hilt with one thrust. A strangled scream escapes my throat at the sudden intrusion, hearing Nate groan behind me,

"Okay?" he asks and I nod, clenching when he tugs on my hair, "Words" he bites out, remaining still behind me while he waits,

"Yes! Okay" I tell him, relief filling me when he starts moving slowly,

"Good. That's the last time I'm asking" he thrusts back into me harshly, picking up a fast pace and the sound of our skin slapping together sounds like music.

"Fucking take it" he grunts out, bruising grip on my hips and I physically can't form words, my brain is misty and all I can focus on is how deep he is inside of me, touching places that have never been touched before.

He leans over me and I feel him bite into the soft skin of my back, planting kisses over the skin and latching his teeth onto the skin on my hip, sucking gently before tugging on my hair and lifting me up, back pressed to his front, hand coming to grip my jaw.

"Look at me" he grunts, never slowing his pace and I lift my watery eyes to his, a carnal look in his eyes and his mouth slightly ajar.

"Fuck" he gaps out, pulling out of me and sitting down on the bed, tugging me onto his lap and putting himself back inside of me,

"Shit" I gasp out, rolling my hips into his and dragging my nails across his chest, tits bouncing slightly as I ride him,

"You're so fucking beautiful" he tells me, taking a hard nipple into his mouth and running his tongue across it, biting down gently before pulling back and tugging my head down to his, foreheads pressed together.

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