13. Guests

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I can't help but press my thighs together again, that look on his face is making me feel hot all over. I see his eyes dart down to my legs, and I know he's caught the movement.

He slowly stands, moving closer to me, spreading my legs, and stepping between my thighs. I sit myself up a little higher on my hands.

His grip on the outside of my legs gets tighter, and he pulls me quickly towards him. I gasp at the sharp movement, and the feeling of something hard between my legs. He smirks at me as he leans towards my face, kissing me hard, hands coming up to press against my back, forcing our chests together as we kiss.

I realise my skirt has ridden up my thighs, and I want to pat myself on the back for choice of outfit.

He pulls back from me, but only slightly as he begins to trail kisses down the side of my neck, talking deeply to me,

"You feel what you do to me? You drive me crazy" and he bites down on the side of my neck softly, his hips starting gentle movements against me.

"How can you ever think that anybody else can even compare when you're here" and he squeezes me to him tighter, pushing against me even further, and I realise were practically dry humping outside.

I come to the sobering realisation that this connection he feels might just be purely physical. I can't help but move my head back though, his kisses still along my neck.

"I thought you wanted to get to know me more" my voice is breathless, and I hate it, embarrassed that I have no self-control with him. His kisses stop, and he pulls back quickly, hands still gripping me tightly,

"I do, I do. I just seem to have no self-control around you" and he shakes his head, chuckling lightly and stepping back, sitting back down on the bench, adjusting his pants as he does.

He thinks for a few minutes, then fires off question after question at me, clearly, he's had this list adding up in his head for a while. He watches me intently throughout, answering his own questions back to me after my response.

I feel like I'm back in school, playing 20 questions, but I find myself laughing the whole time.

His genuine curiosity at the simplest information about me makes my heart feel warm, and for the first time in a while, I feel genuinely at ease. He seems to take mental notes when I tell him my favourite colour is dark green, nodding his head with a serious expression on his face. The same when I tell him my favourite flowers are daisies.

I learn that he does, in fact have a job. He owns a garage not too far from the bar, one he bought from a family friend when he retired a few months ago. I can't help but imagine him greased up, in overalls and a tight white t-shirt underneath, hair messed up from a hard day's work, and I have to physically stop myself from drooling at the mental image I've created.

I tell him about my uni degree, and he dives in to asking me all kinds of questions about it. I find his enthusiasm endearing, and I realise how glad I am that he didn't give me the chance to run and hide.

He asks me what my upcoming shifts are at the bar, and I let him know I'm in a few shifts in the week and this Friday and Saturday, and that I'm thinking about looking for something else. A job that is mainly in the week so I can start planning to do more at a weekend. I'll obviously miss Samuel, but I've been there for a while now, and staying in my comfort zone forever is never going to help me.

He nods then, telling me he thinks that would be good for me, and if I wanted any help to let him know, picking up his phone as he says this, and his eyes get a little wider.

"We've been sat out here for 4 hours" he laughs, looking at me in surprise and I laugh back,

"Really? Wow it doesn't feel like it's been that long" and I glance around, the sun is lower is the sky, and there's a slight cool breeze now, I rub my arms to get rid of the chill that's just settled through me.

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