6. Sin

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Somehow, Nate managed to find ways to get closer to me as the night went on.

He brought my right leg between his, his foot behind my leg, having dragged it round to increase our physical contact.

His left hand had moved from the back of the booth, where he held it above my leg, looking at me with an eyebrow raised, to ask me if I was okay with him touching me in such a way.

My body already felt hot from the thought of his hand on my leg, with a thick metal band wrapped around his pointer finger. I gave him a nod and a small smile, picking up my drink to take a sip, needing to focus on anything other than him for a moment.

The grip he made sure he had on my thigh was enough to make me contemplate jumping his bones then and there. Sure, and firm, like he was making sure I wasn't moving anywhere, he glanced over at me as he took a sip of his own drink. Squeezing my leg for good measure and sending me a wink.

Breathe bitch

Clearly, he knows the effect he's having on me, but with him, I have no clue what's going through his head, or what he's feeling. It's driving me crazy to think he's unaffected by this.

I cross my left leg over my right, his hand still placed firmly there, now between, and I lift my right elbow up and on to the booth behind him. My body now angled towards him, but I make sure to still engage in conversation with Lily, Marc, and JD. I see from the corner of my eye, his head turn towards me, and practically feel the way his eyes travel over my body. His hand tightens on my thigh, his thumb coming down to give him a firmer grip on me.

He then slips his hand out and runs it up over my left leg, gripping the back of my thigh under the table. I hear him take in another deep breath as he does this and see him adjust himself in his seat.

Judging by the way he's adjusted himself twice in the past five minutes I can guess that he is affected by this. This odd, exciting tension that I've never experienced before.

Especially not with someone that I know next to nothing about.

Lily then informs us she's heading back to the bar, this time with Marc in tow, and JD lets us know he desperately needs the toilet. And those nervous butterflies hit my stomach full force.

I can play confident when it isn't just me and him, and now it will be. Judging by the way JD pats him on the shoulder as he passes tells me that this was clearly planned, and that was definitely a good luck pat.

Nate moves again, this time turning himself fully to me, and moves his left hand to the back of the booth, behind my head. His right hand claiming a place on the back of my thigh. Much more confident now than when we first sat down.

"So, how is your night going would you say? Because personally I would say fucking fantastic" he says this with absolute seriousness, looking at me, gauging my reaction to him.

I give him a small smile,

"I'd say it's going alright yeah, little more interesting than usual I think". His eyebrow raises at this, almost amused at my casual response.

"You know, you don't give much away" he says, still making that eye contact with me, confident as ever, and I find myself lost for words.

Me, not giving much away? This man is apparently oblivious to the fact that he's a closed book.

"It's a little soon for me to be giving anything away to you. Wouldn't you say?" I make sure to look him straight on as I say this.

He brings himself closer into me, his left hand moving underneath my hair and wrapping around the back of my neck. I subconsciously move my right leg up on to the bench, so we can be more face to face and the look he sends my way lets me know he appreciates my responses to him.

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