45. Care

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I'm currently sat in a warm bath, courtesy of Nate.

He ran me a hot bath as soon as we made it to his place, after I spoke to the police and went to the hospital so they could stitch up my head my shoulder. I found out that it was in fact, my neighbour that called the police, they heard Alistair screaming and called the police after they heard a thud.

Presumably when he hit my head off the coffee table.

He's in custody now anyway and the officers at the scene assured me they would do everything in their power to convict him. They said the injuries I had and the fact that he broke into my house would help them push through to court, but I had a sickening feeling they would only find more.

A gentle knock on the door lifts me out of my thoughts and I hum in response, too tired to find the words. I rest my face on top of my knees and look towards the doorway, finding Nate leant against the doorframe with concerned eyes cast over me.

"It's been a little while. I've made some food, you wanna come eat with me?" my stomach rumbles. I feel relieved that I haven't lost my appetite and I nod my head at him, picking my head up and looking around for a towel.

"I forgot to get a towel" my voice sounds weak even to my own ears, Nate coming to stand in front of me, bringing a towel with him and holding it up in his hand.

"Come on" he says, holding his hand out to me and helping me stand from the tub, eyes trained solely on my face and not once wandering down to my naked form.

He leans forward and wraps the towel around me, helping me out of the bath and onto the soft white mat on the floor.

"I've put some comfy clothes on the bed for you, some clean underwear too" and he makes his way to the door, panic clutching at my throat and I step after him,

"Wait" I whisper out, but he seems to have heard me loud and clear, stopping to look at me, "Come with me. Please" and he doesn't hesitate to nod, grasping my hand in his and walking me into his bedroom.

He flicks the light on and sits me gently on the edge of his bed, leaning over and picking up the clean underwear he left for me, holding them up to show me his choice and kneeling in front of me. He gently lifts my foot from the floor and drags my underwear up my legs, eyes looking up at me when he reaches the edge of the towel,

"Okay?" he mumbles and I nod, lifting slightly so he can lift them higher, fiddling with the fabric until they're sitting comfortably over my hips.

A sudden wave of embarrassment washes over me as I realise I'm sat here, completely useless and I shake my head at him,

"You don't have to do this. I can do it" and he rests his hands either side of my hips, head tilted down to look at me and sending me a small smile,

"Let me take care of you"

He leans forward and plants a gentle kiss on my head, standing straight and grabbing the t-shirt he's left out, sliding it over my head and adjusting the hem when the towel falls from beneath the fabric. I rest my hands on his shoulders when he crouches to pull his oversized joggers over my legs, folding the fabric at my waist to keep them up.

He makes sure to add some fluffy socks, patting my feet and grabbing my hand again, holding it as I trail behind him and sit down on the couch. I watch as he brings in a tray, steam rising from the food, and I feel my mouth water when I see he's bought my favourite.

"Thank you" I tell him, kissing him lightly on the cheek and feeling my cheeks heat at the look he's giving me, full of warmth and something else I'm too afraid to name.

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