15. Talk

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I stand in silence in front of him.

How exactly do I answer that question? I want to reply something snarky but I feel like right now is not the time to push him, judging by the dark look he has on his face as he looks at me.

"What's the matter sweetheart? You seem to have suddenly lost your voice" and I'm glad I didn't retort something off the tip of my tongue. It definitely wouldn't have been appreciated.

I clear my throat,

"What is it you would like to talk to me about?" I ask him, focusing on his face and putting my drink down in front of me. I think I might need a clear head for whatever he's about to say to me.

His eyes haven't moved from my face since we've been left alone in the kitchen.

"Why don't we start with your little friend out there" and he puts his hands on the island, leaning forward and looking at me with sharp concentration.

"You mean the guy who was just in here?" I ask, and he nods.

"The very same one" he says and his voice seems slower, deeper and I thank God that I'm concealed where I stand, my legs pressing together.

"Well, he came in to ask why I was on my own" and some frustration seeps into my voice.

Why you left me on my own

That's what I really want to say to him, but I don't.

I can't let him think I'm some clingy woman who won't let him go and be with his friends, but I can't control the sudden hurt I feel at his actions earlier in the night. He obviously picks up on my tone of voice as he straightens up and stares at my face with a renewed focus.

"He wanted to know what a girl like me was doing alone" and I know I shouldn't say it, but I can't help it. I want him to feel a little hurt and I want him to know it's his fault that another man felt like he could approach me.

I see his hands tighten into fists on the countertop, before he steps back and comes towards me, meaningful, fast strides take him around the island and to me on the other side of the kitchen.

I can't help but stumble back into the kitchen side behind me and he comes to stand right in front of me.

He puts his hands either side of me, forcing me further back as he puts his face in front of mine,

"And what exactly did you tell him" Is his hushed question, warm breath laced with alcohol spilling out over my face.

"I told him I only know a few people here. My friend Nate being one of them" and I make sure to emphasise the word as I spit it at him.

See how you like that one.

His eyes run over my face and a dark chuckle passes his lips,

"Friend, huh?" and I nod.

"What else would you like me to describe you as" and I'm grateful for the alcohol, it's giving me the confidence to say all of these things that I would normally never say to him.

He goes quiet for a few moments and I'm unsure of exactly what to do next, whether or not I want to stay now that my buzz has worn off. I start to move forward, signalling Nate to move. I don't know if I want to place this game anymore.

I don't get the chance to move very far as Nate wraps his hand around my wrist, firm but gentle and pulls me behind him. He's walking fast and I almost fall over my feet to keep up with him as he turns and starts up the stairs and I wonder where he's taking me.

He seems to be in a hurry as we reach the first door on our left upstairs and he pulls me in then turns to slam the door and I turn to look around.

His bathroom? I see a bath with a shower in a separate section next to it. I carry on my visual tour as I hear the door lock slowly behind me.

Oh double fuck.

I watch him approach me in the mirror, his eyes dark and they trail up from my feet, wandering over my legs, my ass, up my back and finding my eyes in the mirror

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I watch him approach me in the mirror, his eyes dark and they trail up from my feet, wandering over my legs, my ass, up my back and finding my eyes in the mirror.

His right his hand is rubbing his jaw, slightly over his mouth as he looks at me and my skin becomes hot under his observations.

"Now, sweetheart" he says, coming up behind me at a slow pace.

I feel his hand run up the back of my leg, skimming over my ass and landing on my right hip.

"Why don't you use your words to tell me exactly what it is that's bothering you" and he comes closer to me, brushing my hair away from the left side of my neck and tilting his head down.

"Um" I start, when I feel his lips press gently against the side of my neck, but when he hears my hesitation, his heads lifts slightly, eyes on mine through the mirror,

"Talk" he says, waiting for me to begin before lowering his lips back down to my skin.

"You're going to think I'm crazy" I whisper out to him, afraid that if I talk to loud I'm going to break this tension.

"Try me" he says, left hand coming up to grip my other hip now. My eyes fall closed and I tilt my head to the side, his lips leaving gentle caresses over the soft skin of my neck.

"You left me" I whisper out and I feel his movements halt momentarily.

His hands tighten on my hips and his kisses become more firm.

"And Ryan?" he asks, only lifting his lips to ask me this brief question. A gentle sigh leaves my lips,

"Nothing happened. We were just having a friendly conversation" I tell him honestly, I don't want to mess with him anymore.

His hand comes up to move the shoulder of my top down, exposing the skin there and his lips follow the trail. He hums as his lips run over my skin, his right hand comes up to grip my hair now, pulling my head back to lean against his shoulder.

"Good" he responds, his left hand coming around to the front of my hip, pulling them back and forcing my ass onto his crotch, something hard firmly coming into contact with me.

"Feel that?" he murmurs in to my ear and I can't help but watch our interaction in the mirror.

I nod in response and he must feel it against his shoulder as he grinds himself into me again,

"You have no idea what you to do me do you? I might not have physically been with you tonight, but you've been the only thing on my mind" his hand comes around to slide underneath my skirt, lifting it as he goes and I see his eyes watching his own movements in our reflections.

His long fingers find my clit through my underwear, pressing down slightly and a gasp leaves my lips.

His eyes dart up to my face when he hears my response to his touches and I see them light up when he sees my enjoyment.

My skin heats up when he slowly pulls my underwear to the side, not bothering to pull them down, and he runs his finger up from my opening up to my clit and down again, repeating this a few times to spread the wetness I know has gathered there.

"So fucking wet for me" he murmurs in my ear, circling my clit a few times with his fingers before he abruptly pulls me back my hips and bends me over the counter with a gentle push on my upper back.

I'm now leant over the bathroom counter, front almost flat to the surface as he moves to stand behind me.

"Look at me" he says, and my eyes lift to his in our reflection.

"You want this?" he asks, and I nod without hesitation.

Hell fucking yes.

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