29. Sweet JD

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Our sleepover a couple of nights ago was cosy. I didn't know whether to feel disappointed that Nate didn't try anything with me or amused that this is his way of being respectful.

Either way, I'm feeling frustrated as I walk into work on Friday, a frown etched into my brows that I didn't even realise was there until Sam asked me who pissed in my cereal. Prick.

I don't grace his sarcastic question with a response, simply flipping him the bird and leaning over to put my jacket and car keys away under the counter. It seems busier tonight and I feel glad for it, having Nate texting me all day to ask exactly what time I might finish has me itching for my shift to go quickly.

Of course, I don't tell him that, sending him a casual

'Depends how busy we get I suppose. Can't you cope without me for one night?' and receiving a very to the point,

'No'  in return.

It's interesting being with someone who is so outwardly open about the fact that they want to spend all of their free time with you and it's something I'm definitely not used to, having become adjusted to being a placeholder for so long.

I shake the thought out of my head, Nate isn't anything like Dylan. He's shown it to me in the little ways he cares for me, like buying me my favourite food from the Chinese and my favourite flowers as a way of apologising to me. The way he knows how I take my coffee and which side of the bed I prefer to sleep on.

All of these things that seemed so insignificant before, but things he's taken the time to learn.

I can feel my heart twisting at the realisation and I take the small shot Sam offered me on arrival, needing to steel my nerves and get rid of whatever the hell that feeling was that made me nauseous.

"Hey Sam?" I ask, catching a quiet moment while nobody is up at the bar, wandering over to him and leaning my back against the bar.

"I need to ask for a favour" and I can see a look of curiosity on his face. I rarely ask for favours, much preferring to do everything myself and independent of anybody else.

But this is for JD and my needs come last.

Sam nods his head at me and gestures for me to carry on with whatever I need to ask him, coming to lean across from me where I stand and crossing him arms over his chest.

"I need the CCTV from a couple of weeks ago, I think it was either a Friday or a Saturday night. Do you think we still have it?" I ask and hope he doesn't pry about what I need it for. Not that I could tell him anyway, it isn't my business to share.

I can see the wheels turning in his head as he thinks over my unusual request, I've never had an interest in looking over any of the footage before, other than when things started going missing out of staff's bags and we realised one of the regulars were sneaking their hands into the cupboard with our stuff and taking things when we were too busy to notice.

It was so satisfying to drag them out on the kerb.

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" Sam asks quietly, leaning closer to me as he does to make sure Ryan can't hear our conversation. I shake my head in response, not me in trouble.

"No Sam honestly, there's just something I need to check. Do you think I could have a look?" and a crowd approaches the bar, dragging our attention away from each other and onto serving.

Sam walks behind me to grab a bottle from the shelf and on his way past, nudges me and mutters,

"Sure thing doll, I'll get right on it for you" and the relief I feel is palpable. One step closer to hopefully figuring out whoever this girl is. 

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