51. Fucking bitch

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"I'm here, fuckers!"

The words are shouted from Nate's front door and I turn to look at him in question, laughing when he drops his head on my chest with a groan.

Just as he was about to pull his t-shirt off over my head,

"Fucking dipshit. I'm gonna hit him" he lifts his head to look at me, "Can I hit him?"

I shake my head at him and he pouts. I lean down to kiss him and sit up on the couch, moving him off me and receiving a dirty look in return, adjusting the t-shirt I'm wearing and smoothing out my messy hair.


I turn to look at the person who spoke, spotting JD in the doorway with a grin on his face, before he comes bounding over and drops himself on the couch, lying lengthways and crushing me and Nate.

"Jesus Christ" Nate wheezes out, shoving JD and knocking him off the couch, "You fat fuck"

JD gasps and shoots up from the floor, looking at me,

"Are you going to let him talk to me like that?" he points a finger at Nate, "Your boyfriend is a bully and he disgusts me" Nate reaches out to bend JD's finger backwards, barely missing when JD flings his hand away from him.

"Can you two grow up eventually?"

I recognise the voice as Marc's, who smiles at me as he takes a seat on the second couch, lifting his ankle to rest on his thigh turning to look over his shoulder as Lily and Keira walk into the room.

"What the fuck are you all doing here?" Nate grumbles, "I didn't invite any of you fuckers" I lean over and slap his arm gently, sending him a pointed look at smiling when he shrinks down into his seat and mumbles to himself.

"Don't worry about him. He's upset you all cockblocked him" JD claps his hands and laughs, Marc joining in with his deep chuckle and I see Lily cover her mouth with her hand, hiding the smile on her face.

Keira waggles her eyebrows at me, winking at me and laughing when Nate stays silent, shooting daggers at our friends and squeezing my thigh in a tight grip. I look down at JD when he rests his head on my knee, smiling up at me but wincing when Nate slaps him on the back of his head.

"What the fuck man?!" JD yells, spinning his head around to look at Nate who simply shrugs at him.

I look around and notice everyone in their own conversations, taking the opportunity to lean over and quietly ask JD to come outside to talk, receiving an anxious smile in return and a questioning glance from Nate.

I lean over to kiss him on the cheek and stand to head into the back garden, JD trailing behind me and taking a seat beside me on the same seats when we first spoke about what happened to him that night.

"I have something I need to talk to you about" I tell him, deciding not to drag this out and at the same time trying to remember the practice conversations I had with myself about this very moment.

"Okay" he nods his head at me and leans back in his seat, eyes on me and a patient look on his face.

"I was at work the other night and I went into the toilets for a breather" I begin, feelling relieved when he doesn't rush me to get the words out, "I was about to leave when I recognised the girl stood in front of the mirror" his eyes focus in on me, presumably guessing where I could be going with this.

"Was it?" he chokes out, hope lining his voice and I nod my head at him,

"It was her" I tell him, watching how his shoulders relax slightly before he turns his head to look ahead of him.

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