41. Shower

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"Nate, I thought you had to go to work" I laugh out as he plants kisses across the skin on my neck, holding me tight to him as he sits in a barstool and holds me between his legs,

"I'm the owner, I can do whatever I want" he responds, only lifting his lips momentarily and I should not be feeling turned on by his cocky attitude, but I can't help it.

Sue me.

"I need a shower, leave me alone" and I duck out of his grip, laughing at the pout he gives me, tensing when I see the dark look that comes across his face, standing and coming towards me with slow, calculated steps.

"What a coincidence. So do I"

I barely have time to register his words before he lunges at me and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder and taking quick strides to the stairs, up and into my bathroom where he deposits me onto the kitchen side and leans across to turn on the shower.

He comes back to stand in front of me and I have to consciously keep my mouth shut as he drops his pants, standing naked in front of me without a care in the world. I lift my eyes to the ceiling and hold my hand up,

"Put that thing away before you take somebody's eye out" I shout at him, squealing out a laugh when he grabs me,

"Baby please, I know you're dying to look" he tells me, biting down gently on my earlobe and pushing his t-shirt up to my hips.

I can't deny that he's right and I'm trying to use humour to avoid the fact that he's about to see me naked in the harsh bathroom light. I lower my head and look at him, shocked to see the warmth in his gaze as he watches me, hair a mess on top of my head and the warmth from the steam of the shower probably making my cheeks pink.

I'm filled with a sudden burst of confidence, pushing him gently away from me and sliding down from the bathroom counter, standing in front of him for a moment before I reach down and pull his t-shirt over my head, dropping it on the floor next to me.

My chest is bare and all I have on is an old pair of underwear, but I've never felt sexier at the almost awe struck look on Nate's face, teeth biting into his lower lip and his hands twitching with the urge to touch me.

I take my hair down from the messy bun and let it tumble around my shoulders, watching as Nate's breath stutters slightly at the sight, hooking my thumbs into the sides of my underwear and sliding them down my legs, kicking them away from me and stepping towards the shower,

"You coming?" I ask and slide the door open to step into the warmth, tensing slightly when I feel a firm grip on my hips as Nate pulls me back into him.

My body heats up and I feel myself get wet when his cock presses against my lower back, firm and almost begging to be touched. Nate wraps his arms around my stomach, the grip he has on me makes me feel smaller than I am, and I love feeling of protection his arms provide me with.

I lean my head back to rest on his chest, looking up at him and smiling at the grin on his face as he looks at me upside down, squeezing me before he spins me around to him, brushing me against his erection and wincing at the contact,

"C'mere" he tells me before he pulls me in for a hug, arms crossed on top of my shoulders and I rest my hands on the firm muscle of his torso, "My sweet girl" he murmurs, placing a gentle kiss to my temple and tilting his head down to me and kissing me firmly, arms tensing across my shoulders as he pulls me closer to him.

I kiss him back with fervour, his sweet words lighting something in my chest that feels scary and new but I try to ignore it for now.

Our tongues tangle together and I trail my hands across his damp skin, down over his torso and slowly onto his hard cock, gripping gently and tugging slightly, smiling against his lips as he groans, moving me back into the warm water cascading over us.

I move my hand along him, relishing in how hard he is for me and he detaches his lips from mine, tilting his head back and groaning and the urge to make him feel good overwhelms me, so I drop to my knees in front of him,

"Fuck" he rasps out, head dropping to look at me, pushing my wet hair back from my face and letting the water wash over my skin,

"You're like fucking art" he tells me, hand coming to grip my hair from my face, stepping forward to cover me from the water, now coating his back and dripping from his lips as he looks down at me, putting his cock to my lips,

"Open" he tells me and I'm powerless to resist him, opening my mouth and wrapping it around the end of him, kneeling up slightly to take his length in my mouth, all the way in as his tip touches the back of my throat,

"Shit" he hisses, pulling his hips back and I gasp for air, looking up at him with watery eyes and his thumb rubs across my jaw,

"Ready?" he asks and I nod eagerly, opening my mouth wide and moaning when the thrusts into my mouth, hands coming up to hold my head steady as he starts fucking into my mouth.

I'm trying to breathe through my nose and my eyes are stuck on the way the muscles in his torso ripple with his thrusts and his chest heaves with his heavy breaths, drawing a moan from my lips and his hips stutter slightly. He pulls my head from him and picks me up from the floor, flipping me around and pushing my front against the glass side of the shower.

"I wanna come in your tight little pussy, you gonna let me do that baby?" he asks, as if I would ever say no and he grips the back of my hair tight, pulling my head back after I nod,

"How many times do I need to repeat myself? Use your words" he spits at me and I feel my entire body shiver with the demanding tone of his voice,

"Yes please" I tell him and release a guttural moan as he thrusts inside of me, filling me to the hilt instantly and making my knees give way slightly. The dark chuckle behind me has me clenching,

"Look at you, such a mess already" and he moves his hips back so far he's almost completely out of me and he forces himself back in, fucking me with an almost bruising force as his hips slap against my ass.

"Please" I cry out, unsure of what I'm even asking for until his hand comes around to grip the front of my throat, continuing his incredible pace inside of me, pushing me up against the glass and rubbing my nipples across the cold glass,

"You take it so well baby" he grunts out and I gasp for air as his grip tightens, other hand gripping my hips and pulling me back into him,

"Oh fuck" I moan at and suck the thumb he's forced into my mouth, biting down on the pad of it and relishing when he pulls it out and slaps my jaw, gripping my throat again and putting his mouth to my ear,

"Biting me huh?" he murmurs, "That isn't very nice is it" he taunts, and my knees shake with the force of my rapidly approaching orgasm,

"Say sorry" he tells me, tightening his grip on my throat and I almost can't breathe, gasping as he pummels into me from behind, his left hand lifting to slap my ass hard, gripping the red cheek in a tight grip,

"I'm sorry" I gasp out, "Please-I'm gonna cum" I cry out and feel his salacious grin against my cheek,

"Fucking cum for me, dirty girl" and my release is instant, clenching around him with a loud moan and I love the way his hips stutter at the feeling, thrusting deep into me as he cums with a deep groan, resting his head on the back of my shoulders, catching his breath.

I wince as he pulls out of me, feeling the warmth dripping down my thighs and he turns me to look at him, cocking his brow and gripping my face, planting a kiss on my lips, humming when he pulls back and sends me a cocky grin,

"Let's get you cleaned up shall we?"

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