60. Indecisive

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I wake up the next morning with a thudding behind my eyes and a vague memory of karaoke the night before, after an unhealthy amount of shots.

"Morning sweetheart"

I roll over onto my back and look over to the bedroom door, where Nate stands dressed only in a pair of shorts, his hair perfectly messy on top of his head and a mug in one hand and a cold glass of water in the other.

"Morning" I rasp out, sitting up slightly and tying my hair back from my face.

"These are for you" he puts the cups down on his bedside table, leaning over to give me a kiss but stopping short when I put my hand up in front of his face,

"Morning breath. I'll kiss you after I've brushed my teeth"

I watch him roll his eyes and lean back, sitting next to me on the bed,

"I made you coffee and got you ice water" he passes me the coffee "Wake yourself up with this and then I expect you to drink that entire glass. Thank you very much"

I roll my eyes and take the cup from his hands, sipping it and relishing the warmth before smiling over the cup at him,

"Thanks, love you"

"Love you more" he responds, kissing me on the cheek before and leaning back, resting his arm over my legs and looking up at me from his half-led position on the bed,

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him, shuffling slightly "You're being creepy"

"Creepy? Is admiring you creepy now? Well fuck me for having eyes"

Laughter bubbles out of my throat when he throws himself back on the bed dramatically,

"All I was going to suggest is that maybe we should go away somewhere. Maybe somewhere hot"

"Hm, where were you thinking exactly? I don't do too well with a lot of heat but if there's a pool, we're all good"

"Fuck yeah there's gonna be a pool. You think I'd pass up on the opportunity to see you dripping wet in a bikini?"

"Of course not, how could I be so naive to think you had any pure intentions"

"You should know me better by now. Now drink up, I'm bored and JD's been texting me non-stop for the last hour, asking when he can come over"

 Now drink up, I'm bored and JD's been texting me non-stop for the last hour, asking when he can come over"

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"Hello to you too JD"

"Yeah yeah, don't care about you anymore Nate"

I look over JD's shoulder at Nate's frown, eyes focused on where JD has his hands clasped tightly behind my back, squeezing me to him.

"You guys got any beer in?" he asks, stepping away from me and peering around the doorway to the kitchen,

"It's 11am"

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