42. Brakes

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It took me a good couple of hours after our shower to finally convince Nate to go to work, laughing at the disgruntled look on his face as I shuffled him out of my front door, telling him about the mess on the front desk that desperately needing cleaning.

In response I received a swift slap on the ass and a kiss that was definitely not suitable for my front doorstep, before he wandered off to his car, sending me a wave and a wink before he got in and drove away.

I've been wandering around the house since he left with a giddy smile on my face, even when I put a load of washing on and cleaned the kitchen, I couldn't wipe the smile from my lips.

And I really can't bring myself to care, feeling completely content with a man for the first time in my life.

It took me a few hours to tidy the house, organising my room and cleaning out some of the clutter from the bedside table on Nate's side of the bed, just in case. I've just slipped on a pair of shoes and grabbed my car keys so I can go to the shop when my phone dings,

'Bored. Come see me'

'You're so needy. Suffocating me'

'You didn't seem to mind the lack of air this morning'

'Fuck you'

'Just tell me when and where baby'

I laugh and slip my phone back into my pocket, turning to lock my front door and stepping down to my car, slipping in my seat and locking the doors as I turn on the engine, reversing out of my driveway and deciding to drive to the shop that's slightly further out than the usual.

My good mood makes me feel radiant, my music on loud and windows open slightly, hair floating gently in the warm air around me and trying not to acknowledge my slightly higher than normal speed, halting slightly just before the turn off where Nate's garage is and deciding the just bite the bullet.

I take the turn into street and decide to just ask if he wants to come with, if he can finish earlier maybe or if he wants anything picking up.

I spot a space just ahead of the garage and slow down to turn into a space, but my brakes falter, even as I pump my foot down there's no sign of my car slowing down, and I feel the panic rising in my body and the air leaving my lungs as I catch sight of the group of people trying to cross the road a little further down.

I pump my foot faster, hoping that somehow my rapid movements will cause something to work and feeling physically sick when I feel my control of the steering wheel loosening. I grit my teeth and glance into my rear-view mirror, thanking everything that there isn't anyone behind me, quickly glancing ahead and noticing the junction I'm rapidly approaching, the corner where the garage sits, and I notice the way the front shutters are open.

I grip the steering wheel and yank the wheel quickly to the left just before I reach the junction, wincing when the car takes a minute to catch up and I pull the hand break up sharply when I make it on the pavement and just inside of the entrance of the garage.

My breath is coming out in gasps, and I quickly turn the engine off, hands shaking as they rest on my lap, keys in hand and I don't know long I sit here until a knock on the window startles me out of my daze,

"Hey there beautiful lady. You sure as shit know how to make an entrance" Rico's grinning face is looking at me through my slightly open window and I breathe a sigh of relief at the fact that I made it here, nobody got hurt.

"I-" and I choke on my words, sudden tears rising to my eyes and Rico's eyes become alarmed, leaning off the side of my car and trying to open my door, frowning when he realises it's locked.

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