2. Keira

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Waking up the next morning wasn't as hard as I expected, having gotten around 7 hours of sleep. But it probably would have been made easier if it wasn't for the incessant knocking on my front door.

"If you don't open this door in 5 seconds I am climbing in the nearest open window and destroying everything you love"

The calm tone she delivered this line with is what made me drag myself out of bed and run to the front door. Clearly not fast enough for her as I heard a crashing noise in the kitchen, arriving to find Keira halfway through my kitchen window. Which I am sure I didn't leave open. Hearing my feet shuffle into the entrance is what caught her attention, head whipping up from her upside-down position, and flashing me the biggest smile she could muster, blonde hair all over her face.

"Hey Em! Help a girl out here, would you? I'm about to break my ass and neck falling in here" she shouts as I reach my arms out for her, so I can drag her fully through the window and onto the kitchen floor and leave her lying there, limbs splayed out around her.

I make my way to turn the kettle on and spoon coffee and sugar into my mug, ignoring my best friend immobile in the middle of the floor.

"So, what are your plans for tonight? Because I was thinking we could go out, get drunk and finally have sex with some hot, sexy random that we can leave in the middle of the night. What do you say?"

I turn to look at her, knowing she's thrown herself into one of the seats at the dining table. Her head is being held up by both of her hands, chin pressed in to her palms as she tries to give me a sweet smile, to persuade me in to saying yes, I assume.

"I'm working tonight, K, remember? I told you this last week when we went out and I was your wingman for most of the night"

Ever the dramatic, she throws her upper half on to the kitchen table and sighs, while I stand and sip my coffee, watching her. She lays like that for around 5 minutes, mumbling into the surface of the table and glancing over at me from the corner of her eye every now and then.

"Ok fine, you're working. What if I came and hung out at the bar with you while you work? I know technically you can't drink but a couple shots here and there can't hurt right? And then we can just stay when your shift is over" she smiles at me and her tone holds no room for me to say no, not that I would anyway.

"Sure K, can do. But you know I am working so I can't stand with you all night. I know how needy you can be" she laughs at this,

"Bitch please, I know how needy I am, no shame. Let's just hope there will be somebody else there to keep me entertained while you're busy" she wiggles her eyebrow at me and sends me an over exaggerated wink.

Here's to hoping.

I put my cup in the sink and wander upstairs to the bathroom to shower and get my clothes ready for my shift later. My trusty black jeans and my black, v cut t shirt bodysuit will do nicely, I think.

I shout out to Keira, knowing she's probably followed me upstairs to sit in my room while I shower,

"Do you want to go for some breakfast or something once I'm dressed? I didn't eat when I got home last night and I'm starving" and though I get no verbal response, I know she will be sat waiting for me to get dressed fast so we can go.

I throw on my trainers at the front door, checking my outfit before I leave, a pair of blue mom jeans hug my waist and a black long-sleeved crop top I've thrown on in a hurry with Keira screaming obscenities at me from downstairs. Grabbing my keys on the way out and locking the door, I pile myself into Keira's car and wait for her to take us for food.

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