47. Confession

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I stand still for a few minutes as I confirm with myself that she really is stood here in front of me. My mind is whirling as I try and decide what to do, halting when I come up with the perfect plan.

I've had plenty of experience being the drunk girl in the toilet and I know she's tipsy by the glazed look in her eyes. I adjust my top again and giggle to myself, stepping back over to the mirrors and gasping,

"Oh my god. I love your top!" I pay her the compliment with all the false enthusiasm I can muster, feeling relieved when I see the giddy smile on her lips as she tells me where she bought it.

"You look familiar babe, have I seen you here before?" she asks and I nod, serene smile on my lips,

"Yeah! I work here, but it's so boring tonight so I've had a few drinks" I giggle reeling when she laughs along with me and I make sure to sigh for dramatic effect, stomach turning when she bites at my dramatic action.

"Oh no, what's wrong?" she asks, as if she genuinely cares and I honestly want to reach out and smash her head against the mirror.

"There's this guy" I sigh out and I have to physically stop myself cringing when she pulls me into a hug,

"You're too beautiful to be so sad about a man!" I send her my best attempt at a shy smile, lifting my shoulders.

"I don't want to be with him or anything, he's just so cute" I tell her, grinning when I see her attention peak,

"Tell me all about him" she grips my arm as she says, sipping the drink she brought in with her and offering me some.

Fat fucking chance

"He comes in here a lot, maybe you've seen him. But he's just so hot and I'd love to just be able to go home with him, just once" I whisper conspiratorially, as if I've let her in on a huge secret.

"Maybe I have!" she says enthusiastically, and I want to hit her.

You definitely have, bitch.

I pretend to be giddy, talking about this man I have a crush on and I describe JD as best as I can, stomach tightening when she bites her lip and nods her head. She has the nerve to blush.

"I think I know who you mean" she tells me, leaning in to whisper, "I went home with him a couple months ago" and I fake gasp, reaching out to slap her on the arm.

"No way! How was it?!" I lean in and when she laughs the urge to headbutt her is ridiculous.

"He was super nervous when I first when up to speak to him, blushing and stuttering like he didn't know what to say" she has the nerve to roll her eyes and I nod my head sympathetically,

"Ugh, confident men are so much sexier. Maybe I don't want him to take me home then" I fake disappointment, stumbling slightly when I push my hair out of my face and giggling alongside this girl, faking friendship.

"I have a little tip for you, if you want it?" she looks around the bathroom, checking for other people and I nod my head at her, excitement on my face.

"All he needed was a little boost" she whispers

I feel bile rise in my throat at the fact that she's possibly openly admitting this,

"Honestly worked a treat, about forty minutes later he was so much more relaxed" she leans back and sighs, reminiscing about drugging JD.

"No way, ugh. I could do with some of that, maybe I'll give him a chance that way" and she smacks my arm, gasping dramatically before she grins,

"I knew we'd get on so well" she looks around again, "I have some on me if you want some?" she offers and I swallow the lump in my throat, nodding at her and smiling.

"All you need to do is drop this in his drink" and she passes me a small pill, winking at me and folding my hand closed over it. Lucky for me it's still in its packaging, a small square piece of foil she tore away.

"Cool" I inspect the little pill, slipping it in my front pocket, "Thanks so much, keep your fingers crossed for me" and she nods,

"So you have to tell me. How was the sex?"

She pauses for a minute, pensive look on her face and she sighs,

"We didn't actually get to have sex" she rolls her eyes again, "He passed out when I was taking his pants off. Maybe try half the pill and see if that makes any difference?" she suggests and I nod, pretending to be fully invested in what she's telling me when all I want to do is knock her to the floor.

"Thanks so much! I'll let you know how it goes!" I wink at her, "Oh! I never got your name, I'd like to know who to thank" she sends me a grin, pulling me into a tight hug before leaning back and zipping her bag up,

"Lacey" she turns to me with her bag on her shoulder, turning to the door and holding it open, "You coming?" and I shake my head, pointing at the cubicle behind me and laughing,

"Need to pee again" and she laughs, waving goodbye and leaving.

I watch the door swing shut and I'm dazed for a few minutes before I regain function, pulling my phone from my back pocket and pausing the recording, making sure it's saved before taking a deep breath.

I turn towards the cubicle and drop to my knees in front of the toilet, throwing up everything in my stomach and still gagging even after then.

I lean against the side of the cubicle, leaning up and locking the door before I sit back and run my mind over what's just happened. The little pill feels heavy in my pocket, and I feel filthy for even having it on me.

She gave me advice on how to drug him, how she was disappointed he passed out. It didn't matter to her that she'd drugged him, she would have had sex with him regardless of the fact that he would have no memory of it happening.

I don't know how long I sit here. The only slight comfort I have is that I can tell JD she didn't have sex with him if he wants to know. He can listen to the recording if he really wants to.

I jump slightly as the door of the toilets swings open, bouncing off the wall and thudding. I feel a slight rise of panic when, for a flicker of a second, I imagine Alistair is here for me and I'm frozen on the floor, glad I had the mind to mop them when I started my shift.

"Is she in there?"  I hear,

"I don't fucking know" is hissed in response and I frown, assuming they mean me and vaguely recognising the voices.

I lean to the side and unlock the door, opening it and leaning my head around the door frame, Nate's wild eyes landing on me instantly and his shoulders sag in relief, Sam peering in just behind him and sending me a wide grin when he sees me.

"Hi" I say, not quite sure of what's going on, shock practically hitting me in the face when Nate scoffs.

"Hi?" he spits, "Get up" he comes to help me off the floor, gentle touches a sharp contrast to his seemingly frustrated words. I open my mouth,

"My shift-" and Nate turns his head sharply too me,

"Your shift is over. Sam is letting you leave" my eyes look to Sam, who's moving out of the way and nodding at me, tutting and waggling his finger in my face.

"Prick" I mutter at him, earning a laugh as Nate pulls me behind him, carrying my jacket and he takes me to his car, opening the door for me silently and waiting for me to get in.

"Nate-" I start and he shakes his head at me, gripping the steering wheel and pulling out of the space, turning to head back to his house.

"Not now" he tells me and I reach over to turn the radio up, hoping to drown out some of this tension filled silence that's fallen over us since we've been in the car.

It doesn't take us long to get to Nate's, despite his seemingly angry demeanour he drives as safely as he always does with me in the car and I welcome the change. He still waits for me to get out of the car and holds the front door open for me, hanging my jacket up and marching off towards the living room.

I tentatively follow behind him, crossing my fingers I'm not in as much trouble as I feel like I am.

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