38. Mine

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I step tentatively out of the bathroom, my dressing gown wrapped around me and I notice my bedroom door is slightly ajar.

I step towards it and push the door lightly, almost melting at the sight of Nate sprawled out across my bed like he belongs there, watching something on TV and I almost drool at the sight of his tanned skin, almost looking like it's glowing in the lamp light.

He turns his head to me, eyes trailing over my form and even though I'm stood here in my fluffy dressing gown that's two sizes too big, I don't think I've ever felt so beautiful. His eyes are warm, and I see the way his arms tense as they rest behind his head. The look he's giving me fills me with confidence and I step towards him, resting my right knee on the bed and hesitating only for a second before I swing my left leg up and onto the other side of him.

I can see the slight surprise on his face at my movement and I find empowerment in the way his gaze heats up as he watches me above him, arms tensing again as though he itches to touch me.

I place my hands on the bare skin of his chest, gently tracing some of the ink that dances across his skin, skimming my hands across his torso and enjoying the way goosebumps rise on the surface at my touch.

I'm lost in burning the image of him below me into my mind, only brought of my trance when I feel his hands gently rising up along the skin of my thighs and under the edges of my dressing gown, lifting it slightly as he trails along my skin, watching his own movements as he does.

"Hi" he murmurs, eyes flitting up to look at me and darkening when he sees me perched on his lap, looking down over him. I find a wave of courage and lean over to him, pushing my hair over my shoulder and kissing him gently on the lips.

His hands have found my hips under the material, and I can feel how warm his hands are on my bare skin as I kiss a path down the side of his neck and across his collarbones. I gently nip on the skin where his shoulders and neck meet, smiling at the way his hands tighten on my hips, groaning quietly below me.

I lift up slightly and relish in the flushed look to his skin, his breathing slightly heavier and there's a glint in his eyes I've only seen a couple of times before, barely getting to appreciate it to the full extent as he sits up, bringing me tight into his chest. His right arm laces around my back and his left hand comes to tangle in my hair, tugging lightly and he pulls me closer to him.

In our movements, I can feel how tightly we're pressed together, and I know he feels my heat as much as I feel the hardness in his pants, subconsciously grinding down against him and feeling how hot my body seems to get as he groans.

"Fuck. You're killing me" he groans and clashes our lips together, pulling my face as close as he can by the hand in my hair and forcing my mouth open with his tongue.

I kiss him back with equal fervour, threading my own hands in his hair and pushing myself down onto his hard bulge below me, shaky breath leaving me at the way he feels so close to where I need him.

We pull back as we gasp for air, his hand leaving the back of my hand and landing on the tie at my waist, toying with it and looking up at me in question, for permission to open my robe and expose the skin underneath. He seems almost nervous and I find it endearing, moving my own hand to undo the knot myself, shivering when he slides his hands across, pulling the fabric open and trailing his eyes down my newly exposed skin.

My heart stutters in my chest at the way his breath catches in his throat, eyes stuck on the mesh fabric straining across my chest and darting down to my underwear, biting his lip when he notices the matching fabric.

"Fucking hell" he mutters under his breath, and he leans back on his hands, no longer touching me but the way his eyes run over me feels like a caress. His tongue darts out to wet his lips and I'm already wet as I watch him.

He sits up and runs his hands slowly up my thighs, trailing them up the sides of my stomach and up to my chest, halting slightly and rubbing his thumbs across where my nipples strain against the fabric, drawing a small moan from me. He continues his path and reaches my shoulders, watching as he pushes the rest of the fabric off my shoulders and pulls it off my arms. I lift slightly and he drops the material on the floor next to the bed, watching as I lower myself back onto his lap.

"You, are a fucking beauty" he says and the passion in his voice is unmistakable and makes me want to rub my thighs together to relieve the tension I feel building there. "The memory of you is going to be burned into my brain forever" and he leans forward to capture my lips in a burning kiss.

I lift my arms to wrap around his neck as he leans his head back to kiss me, and I lean my head down to kiss him, slipping my tongue into his mouth, and tasting him, fresh and warm. Like home.

He drags his hands down my skin, coming around my back to grasp my ass cheeks, gripping them tight and tugging me against him as we kiss, dragging me across his erection and drawing a gasp from my lips at the contact.

I feel him smirk against my lips at the sound and he lifts me slightly off his lap, still firmly clasping my cheeks in his hands and dragging a finger around to the front of my underwear, dragging it across the damp fabric and moving it to the side slowly.

"So wet for me already sweet girl" he mutters into my mouth, rubbing his finger across my aching clit and into me, sliding in with ease and groaning at the feel of me. He curls his finger inside me before slipping a second in, curling them both and drawing a tortured moan from my lips at how good it feels.

"Ride my fingers sweetheart" and he grabs my ass cheek in his spare hand, pulling me onto his hand and dragging me forward and I follow his movements automatically, head leaning back slightly and hair spilling down my back at the feeling of riding his fingers.

I'm moaning above him, and I know I'm dripping when his teeth bite gently on the sensitive skin of my breast, teasing me through the fabric and lilting his thumb to rub across my clit. He picks up the speed of fingers and grips me tight as I rock against him, hand gripping the back of his hair, feeling my climax rapidly approaching.

"Cum for me, cum on my fingers" he taunts, and curls his fingers again, teeth latching to the soft skin of my neck, and I shudder, releasing above him with a tortured moan, gasping for air as he slows his movements, sliding his fingers out of me and catching my eye as he slips them into his mouth.

"So fucking sweet" he says, hands back on my ass and gripping so tight I think I might bruise, but I relish in the feeling.

I can predict that he's about to fix my underwear and settle me next to him, and I realise that he's clearly been waiting for me to tell him that I want this. I remember how hard he's been the few times we've done this and I know how difficult it must have been for him to put his own feelings aside for my sake.

My sweet, considerate man.

The thought only makes me want him more, and I sit up further in his lap, pulling his face back to mine and placing a light kiss on his lips, barely touching him before I lean back and push him onto the bed underneath him. I'm rewarded with a heated look and his arms fold behind his head as he watches me above him and I'm drunk on this feeling of having this man completely at my whim and willing. This man who wanted me for months before he found the courage to talk to me. This man who I never dreamed would want me the way I wanted him, but so grateful we're here now.

My fucking man.

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