39. Finally

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I cast my eyes across his skin, tight across waves of muscle that moves beneath his skin as he makes himself comfortable. My hands itch to touch him and I move them forward to trace my fingers gently across the surface, trailing them down and onto the waistband of his joggers.

I lift my eyes to him and see that he's been watching me, a warm yet dark look in them and I slide my hand under the band of his pants, through the hair and grip his cock in my hand, drawing a groan from his mouth at the feeling of our skin touching,

"Can I?" I ask him and lift myself up slightly, watching as he nods his head and helps me pull his pants down, freeing his erection from his underwear and watching as it rests up on his stomach.

In the glow of the lamplight, he looks ethereal, bare below me and I know the image of him like this will be burned in my brain forever.

I run my hand over him again, gripping at the base and shuffling down the bed, putting the tip of him into my mouth and swirling my tongue before I tilt my head down and take him fully into my mouth. I take deep breaths as I try not to gag, tears springing to my eyes, but I love the sounds he makes as I move my head up and down.

I move my hand along at the same time as my mouth, spreading the wetness my mouth is leaving behind, feeling him tense below me just as his hand comes to grip my hair and lifts me away from him,

"As much as I love you sucking my dick, I don't want to cum in your mouth right now" and I bite my lip in excitement, finally.

"C'mere" he tells me, and I crawl my way up to him, kissing him with fervour, both of us moving together as he sits up, gripping me tightly to his chest.

His hands come around to the clasp on my bra, him pulling back to check that I'm okay with this, sending him a sure nod and feeling goosebumps rise on my skin as the cool air reaches my nipples.

He drops the bra onto the floor and looks up at me before he trails kisses down my neck and onto the sensitive skin on my chest, pulling one of my nipples into his warm mouth as his fingers come up to tug at the other.

I lift myself off his lap slightly and try to move my underwear to the side, but gentle hands stop me, pulling them down my thighs and helping me take them off fully, both of us bare and our skin touching.

"Are you sure" he asks against my lips and my response is the grip I take on his cock, leaning up on my knees and aligning the most intimate parts of us,

"Are you" I ask, and he tugs my hips down slowly onto him, both of our mouths dropping open slightly at the feeling of the both of us connecting.

"Oh fuck" he gasps out, tightening his hands on my hips and I lift myself up again so I can drop back down onto him, enjoying how full I feel with him inside of me. Repeating the motion as I find my rhythm, riding him and ignoring the burn I feel in my thighs.

His hands have a tight grip on my ass cheeks, and he finds my nipple again, biting down gently and I feel my body tense, my hips rotating, and I feel the way my clit presses against his skin. The stimulation is driving me wild, and I bring my hands up to hold my hair away from my neck, tilting my head back and closing my eyes, feeling his hands and mouth all over me.

"Fuck" and I barely recognise the voice as my own, feeling my orgasm approaching rapidly as the deep pressure inside of me where his cock is, pushes me over the edge, drawing a powerful orgasm out of me and my movements falter slightly.

I've barely caught my breath when Nate lifts me off of him and throws me onto the bed bedside him. I land on my knees and barely have time to register what's happened when he's pushing my head down onto the bed and lifting my hips up with his hands.

His hand threads into my hair and he pushes his way back into me, slow at first but when he hears my moans something in him seems to snap as he pulls almost fully out of me and slams back in with force, gripping my hair so tight it's almost painful.

"Fuck yes" he hisses out, the force behind his thrusts is forcing the headboard into the wall, and a moan tears out of my throat at the sound of his voice. When he hears me, he leans over to talk to me, his warm breath fanning over my neck,

"You fucking love it don't you" and I nod, unable to find the words. Clearly this isn't the response he wanted as he leans back and slaps my ass cheek, making me rear forward slightly before he's pulling me back onto him by my hips.

"I need your words" he tells me, forcing a cry from my lips as he slaps me again,

"Yes! Yes, I love it" I gasp out and he pulls me back up into him by my hair, mouth beside my ear,

"Love it when I fuck you like this" and I tilt my head back onto his shoulder, gripping his arm as it wraps around the front of my waist,

"My dirty fucking girl" and his right hand leaves my hair and comes up to my chin, turning me se we're making eye contact as he fucks me.

"Yours" I gasp out and relish in the dark grin that takes over his lips, leaning down and fucking up into me, this new angle forcing what almost feels like a scream from my throat.

"Shit, you feel so fucking good" he groans and pulls out, flipping me onto my back and pushing my knees back into my chest, sinking back into me again without hesitation.

"I want to see this pretty face as you cum all over my cock" he says, leaning forward and gripping my chin in his hand, kissing me firmly before leaning back burying himself in me.

I'm gasping for air and can feel my orgasm building rapidly, gripping his forearm as he holds me down to the bed by my throat,

"Please" I moan at him, unsure of what I'm even asking for and I didn't even think it was possible, but he picks up his pace, lifting his hand briefly before I feel a slap on my cheek, darting my eyes up to him and I can see he's scared that he's hurt me.

His fear doesn't last for long when he feels me clench around him, beyond turned on at the fact that he's just slapped me, and I enjoyed it.

"Oh you are fucking filthy. You like it when I slap you huh?" and he does it again, gripping my throat after and leaning over to kiss me with a bruising force.

I'm on the edge again as he holds me here and I dig my nails in the taut skin of his back, drawing a groan from him,

"You gonna cum for me baby?" he mutters into my mouth, and I nod frantically, feeling my toes curl and his grip tighten on me as my orgasm hits me full force, tightening around him and I feel his hips stutter.

"Cum for me Nate" I whisper to him and his groan is like music to my ears as he buries himself fully inside me as he cums, gripping me tightly to him as we both come down together.

I drop my legs from my chest and rest them either side of where Nate rests on my chest, arms wrapped around my back and holding me to him. He leans up and casts his eyes down over me, a gentle smile on his lips and he kisses me, a stark contrast to the man who just held me down and slapped me.

He pulls out of me with a wince, rolling onto his back and sending me a dazed grin,

"Well that, was fucking amazing" he chuckles and I laugh along with him, nodding my agreement and bending down to pick up my dressing gown from the floor, wrapping myself in it and leaving him with a peck on the cheek.

I dart away from his grabby hands and head into the bathroom to pee.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror as I wash my hands and note the wide smile on my face and my flushed cheeks, small red marks on my cheek and throat but I love it. Wandering back into my room I find Nate curled up under the covers, leaning back from putting my phone on charge and turning to watch me as I close the bedroom door.

I barely get a chance to pull the covers back before he's reaching out and yanking me into the bed, showering my face with kisses and he curls his arms around me, pulling me below him and he rests his head on my chest, plating a kiss on the skin between my breasts and looking up at me below his lashes.

"Goodnight, love" he murmurs and I lace my arms across his broad shoulders, holding him to me and closing my eyes, feeling at peace for the first time in a long time.

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