57. The Office

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I follow Nate into his office quietly, watching his strong form stride into the room and turn to me with a dark look in his eyes, nodding his head to the door behind me which I close slowly and turn the lock just in case.

Nate beckons me towards him as he rests on the edge of his desk, feet planted on the floor and his knees spread wide enough for me to step between them. His eyes trail across my face and he lifts his hand to gently move my hair away from my neck and over my shoulder, the cold metal of his ring causing goosebumps to rise across my chest.

"Hm" he trails his finger down my throat and down to my cleavage, flicking open another button and following the exposed skin, "I like this dress"

"I thought you might" I breathe out, standing still in front of him as he observes me.

Even without touching me fully, his eyes feel like a caress as they run across every dip and curve of my body. I realise briefly how much more confident I've become in myself since knowing him, being able to just stand in front of him as he stares at me is something that would've driven my anxiety through the roof, but now? I feel beautiful.

I reach my hands forward to undo the button of his jeans, but Nate reaches out and halts my movements, shaking his head at me and biting his bottom lip. He reaches out and grabs me by the hips before lifting me and spinning us both around, dropping me on the edge of his desk where he previously sat.

He leans forward to kiss me, slipping his tongue in my mouth and I melt into him, leaning forward towards him and barely registering when I feel his hands slip under the fabric of my dress and tug my underwear down, dropping them on the floor behind him. He pulls away from me and drops to his knees in front of me, staring up at me with desire painted across his beautiful features.

He trails kisses across my thighs and tugs me towards him, resting my legs on his shoulder and winking up at me before he leans down and buries his face in my pussy.

"Fuck" I gasp out, head dropping back and a tremor runs through my body when Nate hums against me, flicking his tongue as he moves his head from side to side.

My body feels alight as I rest back on my hands, another button popping open with the strain against my chest. Nate pulls me closer into him, hands gripping my ass cheeks tight as he devours me, face pressed against me as close as he can get.

"Oh" I breathe out, tilting my head down to look and my heart stutters when I meet his eyes, dark and staring up at me as he flicks his tongue against me repeatedly.

He raises a dark brow at me before trailing his right hand down my skin and slipping two fingers inside of me, curling them quickly and pumping in and out of me at a rapid pace as his tongue never ceases it's movements.

My legs begin to shake and I'm gasping out my moans as he refuses to slow his movements, groaning against me when I tighten my legs against his head and moaning out his name as my orgasm hits me,

"Oh fuuuuuck" I moan out, head tilted back and I catch my breath as he pulls away from me and kisses me thigh, wiping his mouth with his hand and gripping my chin in his hand, kissing me fiercly and forcing his tongue into my mouth.

I can taste myself in his mouth and I couldn't care less, rushing my hands down to his jeans and undoing the button and sliding the zip down before forcing them down over his hips, his underwear following along with them and he briefly pulls back to look at me,

"You sure?" he asks, trailing kisses across my face and down my throat, holding me close to him and I reach down and rub the tip of him across my wetness, a breathy laugh leaving my lips at the deep groan that leaves his lips.

"I'm sure" I rasp into his ear and hold him still while he pushes slowly into me, holding my hips to him as he bottoms out, his head tilting back and eyes rolling back in his head at the feeling of being buried inside me.

We both relish in the feeling for a moment before I adjust my position on the desk and he lowers his head to look at me, leaning forward to tug on my lower lip with his teeth before he pulls back and plunges himself back into me.

"Fucking hell" he grunts out, "You have no idea how long I've wanted to fuck you on this desk"

I moan out an intelligible response, gasping when he fucks into me at an increased pace, gripping me tight to him and I try to lift my hips to him but struggle with the position he currently has me in.

"You okay?" he breathes out, brows furrowing when he sees the way I'm trying to move, "You uncomfy?" he asks and I nod my head, desperate for more friction, more something.

He halts his movements and kisses me before sweeping the sheets of paper off the desk behind me and forcing me down onto my back. He pulls out of me briefly and tugs me to the end of the desk, ass hanging off the edge and puts my legs over his shoulders.

He plunges himself back into me without hesitation and fucks into me relentlessly. This new position has him deeper than he's been before, and it knocks the breath out of my lungs.

"Fuck, Nate" I gasp out, hand reaching out to grip the side of the desk and his eyes watch as my chest bounces with his vigorous movements.

"Feel good, baby?" he asks, gripping my throat with his hand and holding me down onto the desk with his hand, though my body still slides up and down the wooden surface with his forceful thrusts.

I frantically nod my response, feeling my toes curl as my second orgasm rapidly approaches,

"Fuck your pussy feels so good" he reaches up and slaps the side of my face, "My fucking pussy, huh?" he asks, pace picking up when I gasp out,

"Yes, yours" his hand grips my throat and pulls me down onto him to meet his thrusts,

"I'm gonna cum" I whine out, moaning when he slaps the side of my face,

"Look at me when you cum" he tells me and I instantly obey, meeting his eyes and the feral look in his eyes is enough to tip me over the edge, orgasm hitting me full force and my toes curl, eyes rolling back into my head, and I hear Nate groan above me.

"Gonna let me cum in your pussy, baby?" I nod my head and grip his hips, holding him inside of me when his hips stutter and his grip on my throat tightens.

We're both silent for a few moments, only our heavy breathing in the air breaks the silence and I open my eyes slowly, looking up at Nate who sends me a lazy grin before he pulls out of me and leans over the grab the box of tissues on his desk.

He leans down to clean me up and tosses the tissues into the bin behind his desk before pulling my underwear back up my legs and lifting me off his desk, fixing the fabric of my dress and kissing me gently on the lips.

He only pulls away to get himself dressed again, buttoning his jeans and checking the time on his phone, nodding to himself before checking I'm decent and unlocking his office door, watching me stride past him to unlock the front door of the garage and quickly head to the bathroom.

When I come back, Rico and Milly are just strolling back in, smiling at the both of us and Rico waves a water bottle at me, placing it down on the desk and telling us we can go for our lunch if we want to.

Judging by the slightly pink skin of Nate's cheeks I can tell he needs a minute to recollect himself and I agree, grabbing my phone and bag from Nate's office, opening the window to let some fresh air in, heading back out to grab Nate and waving goodbye to the others.

We make it a few steps outside before we both start laughing, Nate shaking his head and tugging me into his side as we walk down the street.

"Have to say I've never done that before"

I can't hide the smug smile on my face at his words, squeezing him tight to my side and smiling up at him,

"You are fucking amazing, baby. I love you so much"

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