55. First Day

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"How is it that I'm ready for work before you and you own the place?"

My teasing question catches Nate's attention as he tugs on a pair of jeans, head tilting to look at where I lean against the doorframe of our bedroom, eyes trailing down my form.

"I like it when you give me that disappointed look. It gets me going" he tells me, striding over to where I stand and giving me a firm kiss, hands clasped on either side of my face.

I pull back slightly from him and raise my brow,

"Is this your way of trying to distract me from the fact that you're making me late for my first day?"

"I'm sure the boss will be very forgiving"

I laugh and push him gently away from me, pointing at his wardrobe and shooing him towards it, heading down to the kitchen to wash our dirty pots from this morning. It's only a few minutes later when I hear a low whistle behind me, looking over my shoulder to see Nate stood in the entryway of the kitchen with his bottom lip caught between his teeth.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to get any work done with you looking like this" he steps towards me and lifts a loose strand of hair from my face, "Looking all professional and shit. Your ass looks phenomenal in this dress"

He leans down and grabs my ass cheek in his hand, squeezing tight and pulling me towards him to plant a firm kiss on my lips, biting down gently on my bottom lip. He groans against my mouth when I push myself against him, winding my arms around his back and giving him a chaste kiss.

"You can't be doing this at work, highly inappropriate" I mutter against his mouth, smiling before pulling back and patting him on the ass, "Now come on. Put your shoes on we need to get going"

Nate pulls back with a scowl, mumbling under his breath and I can't help but laugh at how grumpy he is this morning. I watch him slip his shoes on and grab his car keys before opening the front door and sweeping his arm out in front of him to tell me to go past, slapping my ass as I do and winking when I turn to give him a dirty look.

"Okay just relax

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"Okay just relax. We already know they like you, so you don't need to be nervous" Nate tells me as he pulls open the front door to the garage, holding it open for me and waiting for me to step inside before him.

I turn to look at him over my shoulder, raising my brow at him when I catch his eyes trained solely on my ass, sending me a wide grin and squeezing my hip when he realises I've caught him looking at me.

"Hey!" I hear a yell across the garage and turn to look, spotting Rico wiping his hands with a rag and stepping away from my car, "Look who we have here. Our very own new starter"

He comes over to us and wraps me in a quick hug, smiling at me and jutting his thumb over his shoulder,

"Your car is almost done, I know it's been a while but we were waiting for the new parts to come in" he tells me, looking almost sheepish at the delay and I shake my head at him,

"Don't worry about it, I've had a chauffeur while it's been in" I nod my head to Nate who sends me a disapproving look,

"Is that what I am to you now? A chauffer? Unbelievable" he huffs out, rolling his eyes when Rico barks out a laugh, patting me on the back and nodding his head in approval.

"I like her. Finally have someone to knock you down a few pegs"

Nate lunges at Rico with his hand curled into a fist, stopping short in front of me when Rico runs to hide behind me, gripping my shoulders and holding me in front of him, directly in front of a scowling Nate who sends me a disappointed look as I stand and grin up at him.

"Let's get to work, shall we ladies" I hear behind me, turning to catch Milly's eye, who sends me a tentative smile and I notice her cheeks redden slightly at the sight of me.

"Hey. I heard you were starting today. Hopefully you'll be able to sort this place out a little"

I smile at her in response, still unsure of how to act around her after last time, when she tried to tell Nate I was involved with JD.

"Okay. Let me show you everything on the front desk" Nate coaxes me away from his colleagues, waving them away and watching them wander away to their respective corners of the garage before tugging me over to the front desk.

"Right. So this is clearly a mess. We haven't had any sort of system for a while and we just sort of rummage for the paperwork we might need when a customer comes in" he rubs the back of his neck and sends me a slightly embarrassed smile when I raise a brow at him, "I basically need you to fix this for me. Anything you might need us to buy let me know and we'll sort the money for it. Okay?"

I nod at him and step behind the counter, running my hand over the piles of paper and cringing at what a mess all of this is. I don't know how the hell he runs a business like this, but clearly he's doing well and their system-or lack thereof is working for him somehow.

"Dinner isn't really at a set time; we just go when we're hungry and try to make sure the garage isn't left empty. Want me to grab you when I'm heading out for food?" I nod again and start picking up all the sheets of paper, momentarly distracted when Nate leans over to place a kiss on my cheek.

"That isn't very professional" I chastise him, sending him a grin when he scoffs and leans over the counter towards me,

"Baby, I'm the boss. I can do whatever the fuck I want" he tells me, running his eyes down my form, "Sexy as hell. I'll see you in a bit"

"See you"

I watch him as he walks into his office, leaving his door slightly ajar and I turn back to the mess in front of me, taking a deep breath and sighing. I don't even know where to start, but I know I'll need to buy some kind of organisation before I even attempt to begin.

I head over to the office and peak my head around the door,

"Hey, uh. Do you have any paper clips, or rubber bands? Or any kind of stationary other than a pen and pencil?"

I have my answer when Nate sends me a reluctant smile and shaking his head,

"Sorry sweetheart. I've fallen behind with everything the last few months. Had other things on my mind" I roll my eyes at his flirtation,

"I need to go out and buy some stuff then. Do you want me to buy it now and keep the receipt for reimbursement or are you happy for me to buy it outright?"

"No, no. Here, take my card and we'll figure out the reimbursement later. Do you need me to come with you?" he's already standing out of his seat before I even open my mouth, halting slightly with his card out towards me in his hand.

"No it's okay. You stay here and do some actual work. I won't be long, I'll take my phone. Text me if there's anything you need me to get" I reach over and take his card from between his fingers, watching as his eyes dart down to where the top of my dress has moved slightly, and my cleavage is more visible.

"Hey" I click my fingers in front of his face, "My eyes are up here. As my boss this behaviour is unacceptable"

His eyes dart up to my face, pupils dilated and a cocky grin on his lips as he sits and leans back in his desk chair,

"I know exactly where your eyes are. I'm also loving this new power dynamic between us. Better get your fine ass out of here before I bend you over my desk and show you just how much I am your boss"

I should be used to him by now but I still feel heat rise across my chest and my face, rolling my eyes when he shoots me a toothy grin and chuckles to himself.

"Go on, sweet girl. Text me. I love you" he tells me when I step slightly out of the door,

"I love you too" I tell him, turning quickly and tugging my dress down over my chest, flashing him the lacy bra I recently purchased and laughing when he chokes on air, tapping his chest and glaring at me when I fix the fabric and send him a little wave before stepping out.

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