3. Eyes on me

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It's a few hours later, around 11pm when Sam comes over to tell me I can finish my shift.

There're not too many people left in now and one of the part time bar staff came in at around 10, he's just turned 18 and he seems sweet, but shy. So, I let Keira know that I'm just nipping to the toilets to change, and I'll be back to start drinking, which grants me an enthusiastic squeal and a hug, and a swift pat on the backside to hurry me along.

I quickly spray myself with some deodorant, brushing some mascara over my lashes and applying some lip gloss.

I slip into a different top, a dark green, skin tight t-shirt that is slightly cropped, a little sliver of skin exposed above the top of my high waisted black jeans.

When I return, she's sent the handsome man she was talking to away, and when I ask why she simply said,

"This night is for me and you, if I change my mind later, I know where he is. But I want time with you first" so I nod, order two shots and cheers to the both of us.

A few drinks and a few shots later and Keira is dragging off my stool to dance, it's gotten a little busier since we started and I'm grateful for it. I'm not quite drunk enough to make a fool of myself yet, but I tell myself to get a grip, and enjoy it while I can, life is too short to worry about what you look like when you're having fun.

Keira grabs me when she hears Doja come on the speakers and I cast a glance at Samuel who's laughing at me, knowing that he's seen me and Keira sing this a little too loud a few times.

Deep breaths, get a grip and have fun I tell myself.

Oh, where is your jealousy? Why won't you cry?
(Why won't you cry?)
This is what's telling me you took me for a ride
And baby, you wind me up, took me for a ride
And baby, you drive me up the wall and down with lies
And baby, you wind me up, took me for a ride
And baby, you drive me up the wall and down

I can't help but laugh when Keira bends herself over in front of me, waving her ass at me and I put my hand on her back like I know she's expecting me to. Grinding with her to the music. Doja has a way with words.

Boy, I'm lookin' at you, don't walk away
Comin' home at like two, then four, then eight
Boy, you lookin' like you don't know my name

She stands back up in front of me and we start singing to each other and I find myself clear in my mind, relaxed.

I throw my head back and sing along like I want to, need to, to just stop caring about anything else.

I bring my head back down and find myself with the biggest smile on my face, and as I quickly cast my eyes across the room, I see him there. At that table with his friends, only he doesn't seem to be listening to a word any of them are saying, not that they would notice.

His eyes are solely on me, and even when I make eye contact with him, he just continues looking at me, no shame in his gaze.

Even when I look at him head on, and raise my eyebrow at him, to let him know he's caught, he just leans back in his seat, legs apart and raises his eyebrow right back at me. A smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, as he bites on the end of his thumb, subconsciously it seems, still staring straight at me and I can't help but notice the way my breath is caught in my throat and my heart has sped up.

He trails his eyes along my figure again, watching the way my body is moving as I stand here and dance with Keira. I notice his eyes stop on that tiny slip of skin across my stomach and I stop myself from pulling my top down to hide.

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