16. Make it up

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His hands lift my skirt up over my ass, exposing the soft skin there and I watch as he bites his lip as he looks at me, hands running over me.

"Look at you" he says, voice soft and deep and I can hear a sense of admiration in his tone. It makes my face heat up at the close attention he's paying to me.

I feel his hand leave my skin and I want to turn and see what he's doing, when I feel a firm slap come down on my ass.

Fuck me.

I can't help the gasp that leaves my mouth at the sudden contact, his eyes looking up towards me, still through our reflection. He raises his eyebrow at me in question, back to rubbing the now slightly tender skin.

"I would love nothing more than to punish you for entertaining my guests' affections" he starts, standing slightly to the side of me now, his other hand on my lower back.

"But I know I hurt your feelings, and I need to make that up to you" he says, sliding his hand down from my ass and towards my aching clit, starting gentle movements.

A quiet moan leaves my mouth at his actions, and I watch as he tilts his head to look at what his hand is doing to me, sliding his finger to my hole and sliding it in slowly, groaning as he feels how wet I am.

"You're fucking dripping" he groans out, and he slides another finger inside me, moving at a slow pace.

"Oh fuck" I moan as his left hand comes to tug on my hair, his fingers picking up speed inside of me, and I grip the edge of the counter to give myself some more support, my legs shaking slightly.

"You like that don't you" he mutters to me, curling his fingers inside of me, his crotch is pressed against me at the hip, and I feel how hard he is.

I feel a sharp tug on my hair as he pulls my back to his front with the force, fingers still buried inside me,

"I asked you a question" he says in my ear, the tone of his voice sends shivers down my spine and our heavy breathing sounds out in the bathroom.

"Yes, fuck yes. I like it" I choke out, and his left hand leaves my hair and comes around the front of my throat, gripping it at the sides, tilting my head back onto his shoulder and his fingers push me closer to the edge.

My legs begin to shake as I feel my orgasm rapidly approaching and I lift my hand up to grip his wrist, I need to touch him in some way. I feel like he's everywhere and I need to feel his skin on me.

At the contact, his hand squeezes my throat, and I gasp out for air, hearing a dark chuckle behind me,

"Dirty girl" and I feel my body tense as my orgasm hits me, moaning out loudly and I thank God that the music is still on loud downstairs.

His hand leaves my throat and wraps around my waist as I come down from one of the best orgasms of my life, breathing hard and placing shaky hands on the counter in front of me. I feel his fingers slide out of me, and I watch in our reflection as he slips his fingers into his mouth, keeping his eyes straight on mine as he does it.

This fucking man.

He shoots me a cocky wink as he pulls his fingers from his mouth, then reaching over to fix my underwear and tapping my ass before he slides my skirt back over me. He moves to stand behind me, hands either side of me and he rests his forehead on the back of my head,

"Am I forgiven yet?" he asks almost reluctantly, and I struggle to believe that he's genuinely upset about hurting my feelings over something so petty.

I turn around in his arms, and his head lifts to look at me, an apprehensive look on his face as I lift my hands to his arms, that still rest either side of me, and I send him a relaxed smile, still reeling from what we just did in his bathroom.

"Of course" I nod, and he lets out an exaggerated sigh of relief, dropping his head back, before he brings it back down to look at me, big smile in place and I see his dimples briefly before he pulls me into his arms. Looking down at me as we embrace.

"I am sorry that I upset you, I got carried away when I saw some friends I've not seen in a while. I know that's no excuse but I needed to say it, I never meant to hurt your feelings" he shakes his head as he says this.

I reach up and put my hand around the back of his neck, pulling him down to give him a kiss, before pulling back as he looks over my face,

"I know you're sorry and I appreciate your apology. Why don't we head back downstairs and see if we can't enjoy the rest of the night?" I ask, and he nods in agreement, moving to unlock the door and he swings it open, gesturing for me to go ahead in front of him.

"I uh, I need to clean myself up a little" I say to him, and he chuckles, grabbing either side of my face and planting a firm kiss on my lips.

"I'll see you down there" he says against my mouth, before he pulls back and walks out of the door, turning back to wink at me as he closes it.

I find my way downstairs about 10 minutes later, having cleaned myself up and going to the toilet, feeling much fresher now and ready for a drink

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I find my way downstairs about 10 minutes later, having cleaned myself up and going to the toilet, feeling much fresher now and ready for a drink.

I step in the kitchen and Lily spots me, pointing at me and slapping Marc on the arm,

"You're still here!" she shouts, and Marc turns to look at me from where he's stood pouring out a tray of shots, Nate stood next to him, turning to look at me too.

His face softens from his look of concentration, sending me a warm smile and holding up a cup in his hand,

'For you' he mouths, music too loud to hear him from he without him shouting. He shakes the cup slightly before holding it out for me to take.

I make my way further into the kitchen to grab the cup from him, saying a quiet thanks, and he turns back around to continue pouring out the shots.

"Hey Em" says Marc, a kind smile on his face,

"Nice to see you, how've you been?" he asks and I nod as I sip my drink, ready to answer him when I hear my name being called across the room.

Confused, I turn around and look to see who's shouting for me, when Ryan makes an appearance at the threshold of the kitchen, big smile on his face as he stands there with a drink in his hand.

"Glad to see you're still here! How would you feel about joining us for a game of beer pong? I'll let you be on my team" he winks as he says this and I feel a knot form in my stomach, eyes glancing to where Nate is stood slightly in front of me.

When he realises what's just been said, his shoulders tense slightly as he turns his head to look at Ryan, before turning to look at me.

"I-" but I'm interrupted by Marc passing me a shot, lime and salt being held in either of his hands after I take it from him.

"Bottoms up girl, you've got some catching up to do" he says, completely ignoring the sudden tension in the room and smiling at me like he hasn't a care in the world.

"There better be a shot on there for me" is shouted out as I throw my own shot back, putting the glass down next to me and taking the lime from Marc's hands. I can see Nate watching me from the corner of my eye.

An arm comes around my shoulder and I flinch for a moment, before a bright smile and a shaved head appear in front of me.

"Well look at this, our very own bartender making a special appearance" and I feel my own smile brighten.

"Hey JD" 

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