17. His

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"Hey JD" and his arm squeezes me into his side, before he pulls back and claps his hand onto Nate's shoulder.

"Shot please kind sir" and I see Nate roll his eyes before he passes it over, and I hear someone clear their throat, realising its Ryan, still stood there, everyone other than me completely ignoring his presence.

When he sees me notice him again, he makes his way toward me, smiling and stopping in front of me,

"So, how about it? Beer pong?" he asks again, and I struggle to find the words to say when Nate suddenly steps around us and runs his hand along my back, passing me another shot as he does, holding the glass up to my lips and tilting my head back by my hair, pouring the drink into my mouth.

I swallow and tilt my head back up, looking over at Nate in surprise, his eyes are focused on my face as usual, and he sends me a sultry smile before he turns to a surprised Ryan.

"We'd be more than happy to join you, teams of two?" Nate asks, false kindness in his tone and I see Ryan looking between the two of us.

"Beer pong?" and JD comes to stand between me and Nate, wrapping his arms around both of our shoulders,

"Count me the fuck in" he pulls us into his sides by his arms, squeezing us and nodding to Ryan who is still yet to say anything. I feel a little irritated by how uncomfortable he looks, it's so unnecessary to make him feel this way.

"Why don't you set the table up for us? We'll top ourselves up and we'll be right there" I say to him, smiling and he nods back to me, smile on his face now and he turns to set everything up.

I feel the smile slide off my face as I turn to look at Nate and when JD sees the look on my face he slowly removes his arms from us and slides away, moving to talk to Marc and Lily across the kitchen.

"Was that really necessary?" I ask Nate in a hushed voice, and he frowns looking positively confused by my question.

"I don't know what you mean" he says, shrugging and taking a sip of his drink and I scoff,

"You know exactly what I mean, you didn't need to make him uncomfortable by doing whatever the hell that was" and he looks at me over the rim of his cup, swallowing and bringing his face closer to me,

"What that was, was me, showing him that you are not his to flirt with" and his voice is firm when he says this and my face feels warm, heart thudding in my chest.

"I am not anyone's to do anything with if I remember correctly" I snipe back to him and his face becomes irritated, coming closer to me and turning his head to talk into my ear,

"Are you forgetting when I made you cum all over my fingers not even an hour ago? I don't know what exactly you think I intend to happen between us but let me tell you this. You are mine; you were from the moment I saw you in that bar" and my breath catches in my throat, my mouth feeling very dry all of a sudden.

"I know that's what we both want and I'm not here to play games with you" he finishes, pulling back and taking another sip of his drink, turning to JD and telling him he's ready to play beer pong.

I stand still, unable to move from what Nate has just told me. His.

"Coming?" I look over to see JD smiling at me, Nate stood at his side looking at me, looking as serious as ever and my feet subconsciously carry me over to him.

"Coming?" I look over to see JD smiling at me, Nate stood at his side looking at me, looking as serious as ever and my feet subconsciously carry me over to him

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We're into the swing of things after 10 minutes of playing. When we got to the table, I could see Ryan was moving to ask me to be on his team, but JD stepped over to his side, slapping him on the back and discussing tactics with him to win.

Nate stood silently beside me with a smirk on his face, and when he saw me looking, he dropped it, becoming serious and walking over to our side of the table.

At this point, JD and Ryan had landed two of our cups and I was aiming to land our fourth, concentrating on my throw and landing it, JD groaning and throwing his hands up before picking up the cup and downing the contents.

I feel a gentle pat on my backside from my super supportive teammate, a way of congratulating me, of course.

I turn to look at him and he stands leaning against the wall as he watches me, a small smile on his face. My attention is drawn away from him when I hear JD cheering, clearly, he's just made a perfect shot as he flips me the bird from the other end of the table.

Nate steps forward to drink and he takes his shot.

The game carries on for a little while longer, me landing the winning shot. Much to JD's disappointment, and Ryan claps for me. His congrats don't last too long as I feel Nate pull me into his side, kissing me on the cheek.

"I need some fresh air" says JD, fanning himself and heading out of the back door, into the garden attached to the house.

"Good game guys" Ryan says as he approaches the two of us, putting his hands into his pockets.

"I'm gonna head out now, I've had a good night man, thank for having us" he says, holding his hand out for Nate to shake, which he does after a slight moment of hesitation.

He turns to me next,

"It was really nice to meet you Emily. Hopefully I'll see you around soon" and he winks at me before turning to leave, walking away from us, Nate eerily silent beside me.

"Am I tripping the fuck out, or did he just wink at you?" he says, eyes fixed on the spot he last saw Ryan.

I can't help but laugh at him, how shocked he is that even after his many attempts at showing us off together, Ryan still found it right to flirt with me. I personally think it's funny. He obviously didn't mean any harm by it, he just doesn't care that Nate witnessed it.

My laughter draws his attention to me now, eyes fierce as he watches me and he frowns,

"You think that's funny huh?" and he pulls me towards him sharply, hands threading in my hair, and he kisses me fast and hard, before pulling back and picking his drink up from the shelf behind him.

"Should've done that in front of him, but someone didn't want to hurt his fucking feelings" he mutters, pouting into his drink.

I reach out to pat him on the arm,

"It's okay, when I see him around you might have another opportunity" and he reaches out for me, but I dodge his grip laughing as he keeps trying to grab me for the comment I just made.

"Sorry babe, got to go" I say and wander away laughing, him watching me as I go with a smile on his face, before Marc stumbles over, pulling Nate's attention from me.

Taking advantage of my moment of solitude, I head out into the back garden for some fresh air and to cool down a little, spotting what looked like JD sat at the end of the garden on a chair. So I wander over to him, but when I get close enough to see him properly I stop short.

His head is in his hands, and his breathing is heavy. I move to stand right in front of him and he doesn't even notice I'm here or heard me approach him. A feeling of concern grows in my chest and I take the seat next to him, reaching out to touch him gently on the arm and he jumps slightly when he feels me touch him.

"JD? You okay?" I ask quietly, and when he hears my voice his shoulders drop and I hear him sniffle. 

"I fucked up Em. I think I fucked up really bad and I don't know what to do" he mutters and my heart sinks when I realise what he's talking about. That girl he went home with and she disappeared the next day. 

"You wanna talk about it?"I ask gently and see him nod his head slightly, turning his head to look at me, bloodshot eyes opening slowly, 

"Please" he whispers, and I feel my heart break for him. 

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